Search results for "Gray Matters"

Results 1 - 3 of about 3 for "Gray Matters".

Metacognition and its impact on physician self-diagnosis

A physician tried to self-diagnose his symptoms of a feeling of suffocation and a change in gait. Experts review the cognitive biases that made the doctor overlook the right diagnosis.
1 Oct 2012

Advance directives are the beginning of care, not the end

Despite the best planning, patients may change their minds at the end of life once they recognize their unique situations and their sometimes surprising decisions.
1 Jul 2012

Decisional conflict: Balancing risks, benefits for each patient

A 73-year-old man struggles with the decision whether to consider anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation, a “decisional conflict” that affects many trying to balance risks and rewards of medical treatments. Doctors should help the patients choose, but then abide by that decision.
1 Apr 2012

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