Search results for "Geriatrics"
At-home comprehensive geriatric assessments reduced hospital admissions
Comprehensive geriatric assessments delivered by a multidisciplinary team also resulted in better functional status among community-dwelling older adults than usual care, according to the results of a systematic review and meta-analysis.
25 Feb 2025
Vitamin K2 reduced frequency, intensity, duration of nocturnal leg cramps
Vitamin K2 reduced symptoms from nocturnal leg cramps in older patients starting with the first week of its administration in a placebo-controlled randomized trial in China.
5 Nov 2024
Muscle relaxants compared for fall risk in older patients
Among new users ages 65 years and older, baclofen was associated with a higher risk of fall compared to tizanidine but no significant increase in risk versus cyclobenzaprine, a study found.
14 Nov 2023
Updated Beers criteria highlight medications that are risky in older patients
The American Geriatrics Society has added warfarin as a medication to avoid and urged caution with sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors in the latest update of its guidance on prescribing for U.S. adults ages 65 years and older.
16 May 2023
Anticholinergic drugs associated with lower cognitive function
A retrospective study of patients ages 45 years and older found an association between anticholinergic drugs and cognition but also a role for physical activity in mitigating the relationship between these medications and cognitive decline.
21 Feb 2023
About 6% of older adults received a new sedative prescription after critical illness
Among sedative-naive ICU survivors ages 66 years and older who filled a new sedative prescription within a week of hospital discharge, more than half maintained their prescriptions at six months, a Canadian population-based study found.
10 Jan 2023
Strengthening exercises associated with lower all-cause mortality in older adults
The risk of all-cause mortality was lower in adults ages 65 years and older who engaged in two to six strengthening episodes per week, according to a new analysis that adjusted for frequency of moderate or vigorous aerobic exercise.
25 Oct 2022
Exercise interventions associated with improved mobility, physical function in older adults
A randomized controlled trial found that a multicomponent exercise intervention in physically frail patients with sarcopenia improved mobility, while a meta-analysis found power training improved strength more than traditional strength training in healthy older adults.
17 May 2022
Physical activity program for older adults linked to long-term improvements in function
Older adults with reduced lower-limb physical functioning treated with a 12-month, group-based physical activity and behavior maintenance program had greater improvements in function than those who received educational sessions on healthy aging, an English trial found.
29 Mar 2022
Detecting depression just as important in the elderly
Raising the issue of mental health is key in the elderly, by asking patients how often they talk to other people, if they're getting help with daily activities, or if they are feeling isolated.
1 Feb 2022
Social support after illness associated with better outcomes in older adults who live alone
U.S. researchers used data from the Health and Retirement Study to determine whether older adults who had a relative or friend to help with personal care if needed experienced better outcomes after new onset of a major illness or hospitalization.
16 Nov 2021
Treatment preferences do not vary by cognitive function in older patients, study finds
A cross-sectional survey at two U.S. academic medical centers asked older outpatients with mild cognitive impairment and normal cognition as well as patient-designated surrogates about treatment preferences in six health scenarios.
18 May 2021
Multicomponent fall prevention programs no more effective than mailed information alone
Researchers in England compared fracture rates over 18 months among elderly participants who received advice about fall reduction by mail alone and those who received advice by mail plus an exercise-based or multifactorial intervention.
10 Nov 2020
4 concepts can help bolster age-friendly care
Medical groups seek to implement the 4Ms—Medication, Mentation, Mobility, and What Matters—into practice when caring for elderly adults.
1 Mar 2020
Poor olfaction linked to long-term mortality risk in older adults
Cumulative risk for death within 10 years was 46% higher in those with poor olfaction versus those with good olfaction and 30% higher at year 13.
30 Apr 2019
Dementia risk may be higher in elderly patients with high serum uric acid levels
The association between high serum uric acid levels and vascular or mixed dementia might be affected by interim strokes, the authors said.
15 Aug 2017
Helping older patients 'age in place'
Internists can help patients live at home as they age by assessing physical functioning, watching for changes in functioning, and directing them to available resources.
1 May 2017
Beta-blockers after MI associated with better survival but worsening function in nursing home patients
While some elderly patients can benefit from this guideline-directed therapy, costs and benefits need to be balanced in those with impairments, the authors said.
20 Dec 2016
Vitamin K antagonist use associated with higher risk of thrombosis than bleeding in patients ages 80 and older
Compared with patients ages 70 to 79 years, those ages 80 to 89 years had a similar risk of bleeding, whereas patients ages 90 years or older had a mildly increased risk of bleeding, the study found. Patients in their 80s and 90s had a markedly higher risk of thrombosis than did patients in their 70s.
12 Jul 2016
Post-hip fracture function improved with home exercise program
An at-home exercise program modestly improved function and mobility in hip fracture patients, a recent study found.
25 Feb 2014