Search results for "Fall prevention"

Results 1 - 10 of about 17 for "Fall prevention".
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Multicomponent fall prevention programs no more effective than mailed information alone

Researchers in England compared fracture rates over 18 months among elderly participants who received advice about fall reduction by mail alone and those who received advice by mail plus an exercise-based or multifactorial intervention.
10 Nov 2020

Higher-dose vitamin D did not improve fall prevention, study finds

Elderly patients at high risk for falls who received 1,000 IU of a vitamin D supplement per day actually had higher risk of falls that were serious or required hospitalization than those who took 200 IU.
8 Dec 2020

Action, advocacy, partnering for falls

Partnering with patients can make a big difference in preventing falls, which can result in lingering disability.
1 Mar 2018

Updated guidelines issued for fall prevention in the elderly

Updated guidelines issued for fall prevention in the elderly
25 Jan 2011

Fall prevention and urinary incontinence care improved by intervention

Fall prevention and urinary incontinence care improved by intervention
2 Nov 2010

4 concepts can help bolster age-friendly care

Medical groups seek to implement the 4Ms—Medication, Mentation, Mobility, and What Matters—into practice when caring for elderly adults.
1 Mar 2020

Guidance issued on antibiotic use, fall prevention in long-term care

Antibiotic recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention address leadership commitment, accountability, drug expertise, policy and practice change, tracking and reporting antibiotic use and outcomes, and education.
22 Sep 2015

Falls common among older adults, CDC reports

New data indicate that more than one in four U.S. adults ages 65 years and older reported falling at least once in the previous year in 2020 and that 38,742 died due to an unintentional fall in 2021.
12 Sep 2023

Integrative therapies may complement care

A growing base of evidence suggests that certain treatments may have a place in physicians' repertoires as part of a holistic approach to health.
1 Mar 2016

Baby boomers' health isn't what they expect

The normal aspects of aging will place extraordinary demands on the health care system as the baby boomers enter their retirement years. Sheer numbers, coupled with high expectations of this population, pose a problem for primary care.
1 Jul 2012

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