Search results for "Ethical Dilemmas"
Do placebos have a place in clinical practice?
Placebo use is common in internal medicine. But is it ethical? Experts examine the disconnect between the standards of medicine, and how it's actually practiced in the office.
1 Apr 2009
Internist searches for answers when test results go missing
An internist is surprised by a patient's previous blood work, which shows a dramatic rise in PSA levels. There is no evidence in the medical record that the patient was informed of, or that the internist acted upon, the prior abnormal PSA result. However, the internist is certain she never saw it. What should she do next?.
1 Apr 2009
‘Futile to whom?’ challenges views on reasonable recovery
A reader responds to a previous column that addresses how health care providers handle life-saving medical treatment despite no hope for recovery.
1 Nov 2008
Time neither heals nor absolves after romantic involvement
Considering a sexual relationship with a former patient, however brief the doctor's visit, raises issues after a romantic break-up.
1 Oct 2008
Son's plea to prolong life at any cost sparks ethical quandary
Physicians aren't obligated to provide end-of-life care that is ineffective or harmful, by Lachlan Forrow, FACP.
1 Sep 2008
War dilemmas put medical ethics under fire
Physicians debate challenges posed by war on terror and caring for enemy detainees at Guantanamo.
1 Jul 2008
A patient finds that his treatment is worse than the disease
A case study addresses ways to handle turning off an implanted cardioverter-defibrilator when a patient finds the shocks worse than the prospect of dying.
1 Jun 2008
Physician should transfer records regardless of patient's bill
A physician's refusal to turn over the records of a patient with an outstanding bill may be seen as abandonment.
1 May 2008
‘Preventive ethics' come into play when a DNR is confusing
A case study examines how a hospitalist handled confusing and conflicting demands placed by a do-not-resuscitate order.
1 Apr 2008
Cultural differences complicate a terminal cancer diagnosis
The College's new guidelines recommend that clinicians regularly assess end-of-life patients for symptoms of pain, dyspnea and depression, and use proven therapies to treat these conditions.
1 Mar 2008
The ethics of end-of-life care erupt in the ICU
A Harvard expert moderates a new column on ethical case studies and suggests some practical strategies for handling and preventing conflicts. Case study: The ethics of end-of-life care erupt in the ICU.
1 Feb 2008
Examining ethical dilemmas that occur in everyday practice
A Harvard expert moderates a new column on ethical case studies and suggests some practical strategies for handling and preventing conflicts. Case study: How should a physician react when an elderly patient refuses life-saving treatment contrary to the wishes of her family?.
1 Jan 2008