Search results for "Endometriosis"

Results 1 - 6 of about 6 for "Endometriosis".

Ovarian cancer risk differs based on endometriosis subtype

Patients with deep infiltrating endometriosis and/or ovarian endometriomas had a nearly 10-fold increased risk of type I ovarian cancer compared to women without endometriosis, an analysis of data from Utah found.
23 Jul 2024

Virtual lounge connects far-flung physicians seeking advice

It wasn't cancer or a broken bone, but it was a nagging problem that wouldn't go away: The Case of the Burning Lips.
1 Feb 2008

MKSAP Quiz: Unable to achieve pregnancy

A 37-year-old woman is unable to achieve pregnancy despite 7 months of unprotected intercourse. Her menstrual cycles are normal, occurring every 28 days with associated breast tenderness and bloating. There have been no prior pregnancies or attempts to achieve pregnancy by either the patient or her male partner. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate management?
14 Apr 2020

Guiding clinicians through GI diagnoses

ACP Internist wraps up highlights of Digestive Disease Week, including dyspepsia, weight loss and incontinence, as well as the latest about the risks of proton-pump inhibitors and antithrombotics.
1 Sep 2009

No association found between fertility treatment, some types of cancer

Over 8.8 years of follow-up, researchers in Great Britain found no significant increase in risk for uterine cancer, breast cancer overall, or invasive breast cancer in women who had undergone hormone-based assisted reproduction.
17 Jul 2018

MKSAP Quiz: lack of interest in sexual intercourse

A 54-year-old woman is evaluated during a routine examination. She is very concerned by her lack of interest in sexual intercourse. She used to enjoy intercourse and does not know why she feels this way now. She has been menopausal for the past 2 years. Following a normal physical examination, what is the most likely diagnosis?
26 Feb 2013

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