Search results for "Drug Safety"

Results 1 - 6 of about 6 for "Drug Safety".

Deaths from stimulant use rose sharply in the past decade

Mortality from stimulants, including cocaine and methamphetamine, rose faster than deaths from opioids from 2010 to 2017, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics.
9 Feb 2021

Fluoroquinolones associated with aortic aneurysms compared to other antibiotics

The association was present across all age groups (≥35 to <65 years) and was consistent across sex and comorbidities.
12 Jan 2021

Recalls, research for generic drug safety

Probable carcinogens have been found in angiotensin-receptor blockers, but experts say generic drugs remain safe overall.
1 Jan 2020

Calls to poison control centers for gabapentin, baclofen increased in recent years

The increase in exposures to and misuse of these medications in the U.S. may represent an unintended consequence of recent reductions in opioid prescribing for pain management, study authors said.
10 Dec 2019

Anxiolytic, hypnotic drugs may be associated with increased long-term mortality

Anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs may be associated with increased long-term mortality, according to a new study.
1 Apr 2014

Dumping drugs puts traces of meds in taps

How can you keep the contents of one patient's medicine cabinet from getting into everyone's drinking water? Eventually, physicians could even be asked to pay attention to environmental impact when deciding which drugs to prescribe.
1 Feb 2009

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