Search results for "Diet and Nutrition"

Results 1 - 6 of about 6 for "Diet and Nutrition".

Intensive food-as-medicine program improves engagement, not glycemic control

Patients with diabetes and food insecurity who received healthy groceries, dietitian consults, nurse evaluations, health coaching, and diabetes education had increased engagement with preventive care but no significant change in HbA1c levels versus usual care.
2 Jan 2024

Time-restricted eating comparable to traditional calorie restriction for weight loss, study finds

Patient preference and other considerations such as ease of use can guide clinical choice of dietary weight loss interventions, according to an editorial accompanying a small randomized trial.
27 Jun 2023

Coffee associated with lower mortality regardless of whether sugar is added

A prospective cohort study in the U.K. found that risk for death was lower among those who drank unsweetened or sugar-sweetened coffee, while the results for coffee with artificial sweeteners were less clear.
31 May 2022

AHA encourages rapid diet assessment in primary care to combat diet-related diseases

For clinicians facing time constraints, several validated screener tools, whether administered in the office or through the EHR, can provide immediate actionable dietary feedback, according to a scientific statement from the American Heart Association (AHA).
18 Aug 2020

Setting a course for food as medicine

Culinary medicine is a growing, evidence-based movement that brings the “food is medicine” philosophy to medical education and beyond.
1 Jun 2018

Guidelines diminish cholesterol worries

Physicians can expect questions from patients confused by a committee's report stating that dietary cholesterol should no longer be considered “a nutrient of concern for overconsumption.”.
1 Jun 2015

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