Search results for "Crossed words"

Results 1 - 15 of about 15 for "Crossed words".

Going viral

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Oct 2014

Crossed words: Ticked off

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Sep 2014

Barking up the right tree

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Jul 2014

Crossed Words: Breaking news

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Jun 2014

Crossed Words: Seeking some relief

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 May 2014

Crossed Words: Spitting into the wind

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Apr 2014

Crossed Words: Finding alternatives

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Mar 2014

Crossed Words: To finger the culprit, follow the tips

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Feb 2014

Crossed Words: Glued to the answer

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Jan 2014

Crossed Words: Holiday surprise

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Nov 2013

Crossed Words: Elements of illness

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to find clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Oct 2013

Chromosome is where the heart is

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to seek answers to clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Sep 2013

Crossed Words: Bottoms up

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to seek answers to clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Jul 2013

Crossed Words: Toxic assets

ACP Internist's puzzle feature challenges readers to seek answers to clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 Jun 2013

Crossed Words: Going viral

ACP Internist's new puzzle feature challenges readers to seek answers to clues placed horizontally in rows to reveal an answer written vertically.
1 May 2013

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