Search results for "Conference Coverage"
Break the cycle of COPD exacerbations
New concepts in the field of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) include pre-COPD, which is defined by normal spirometry in the presence of symptoms, and PRISm, or preserved ratio impaired spirometry.
1 Nov 2024
Advice on writing an op-ed
Medical misinformation can kill, and it's everywhere, so one physician proposed countering it by writing medical op-eds.
1 Jun 2024
Keep current on the changing medicolegal landscape
An expert offers an overview of the changing medicolegal landscape and how physicians can navigate it.
1 May 2024
Salt tablets no salve for hyponatremia
At Kidney Week in fall 2023, an endocrinologist covered the latest in outpatient diagnosis and treatment of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIAD).
1 Feb 2024
What to say when sharing serious news
When delivering bad news to patients, physicians should avoid wordiness and instead follow some other tactics.
1 Jun 2023
Pandemic enters new phase with end of PHE
COVID-19 isn't gone, but the end of the U.S. public health emergency does mark some significant changes.
1 Jun 2023
3 ways to improve workplace culture
Three high-yield strategies apply to health care when creating a thriving work environment.
1 Jun 2023
Pinning down Parkinson's disease
The diagnosis requires constant questioning, as one expert at the 2022 International Congress on Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders explained.
1 May 2023
More clarity on myocarditis with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines
The classic presentation for COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis is chest pain one to seven days after vaccination, with a median time of three days after vaccination, particularly after the second dose.
1 Feb 2023
Taking the long view of thyroid cancer
Experts addressed appropriate surveillance after thyroid cancer treatment and tips for combating unhappiness in patients on thyroid replacement therapies.
1 May 2021
How COVID-19 affects the liver
There is increasing evidence of direct, virally mediated liver injury caused by SARS-CoV-2, leading to enzyme elevations, lobular necroinflammation and/or portal interface hepatitis, and steatosis.
1 Mar 2021
Know your home oxygen options
Physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists may be unfamiliar with home oxygen equipment that differs from hospital equipment. Six questions can help clinicians choose the best options for a patient.
1 Oct 2020
Breathing easier from hospital to home
A substantial percentage of patients prescribed home oxygen at hospital discharge after an acute COPD exacerbation no longer meet the criteria two to three months later.
1 Oct 2020
Taking a weight off diabetes care
Not only is the focus on weight not beneficial to diabetes patients, it can cause other health consequences such as weight cycling and eating disorders.
1 Sep 2020
LGBTQ care must go beyond guidelines
To make health care more inclusive, physicians can include in the medical record the use of preferred names and pronouns, information on gender-affirming hormones and surgeries, and a record of the organs that patients have and that they were born with.
1 Sep 2020
Keep a close eye on the kidneys in diabetes
Screening and adherence to best prescribing practices offer two key ways to prevent or slow the progression of chronic kidney disease in patients with diabetes.
1 Sep 2020
Impaired cognition, a long-lasting consequence of the ICU
Impaired cognition after an ICU visit is common, often existing alongside physical debility and mental and emotional problems.
1 Apr 2020
Explaining the increase of eosinophilic esophagitis
The prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis, a disease virtually unknown 25 years ago, has risen dramatically as more endoscopies are done and more early-life exposures occur that can induce the condition.
1 Sep 2019
Addressing the gut-brain connection in IBS
While psychotherapies are effective treatments for some digestive disorders, stigma around both functional gut disorders and mental health diagnoses limits uptake, both for physicians and patients.
1 Sep 2019
Talking about migraines
Collecting good data is the first step in sorting through the many drugs and devices that are used to treat migraines.
1 Jul 2019