Search results for "Cholesterol-lowering therapy"

Results 1 - 6 of about 6 for "Cholesterol-lowering therapy".

Statins associated with fewer major adverse coronary events, mortality in those with low ankle-brachial index

Clinicians should optimize therapy for people with clear indications for statin therapy, including those with diabetes, an editorial suggested.
9 Feb 2016

Cholesterol management becomes more complicated

This issue covers topics such as cholesterol management, wearable health care technology, and post-traumatic stress disorder after a life-threatening illness.
1 Nov 2015

Guidance issued on nonstatin therapies for cholesterol lowering

The goal of the decision pathway was to provide practical guidance for clinicians and patients in situations not covered by the 2013 ACC/AHA guideline until new clinical guidelines on the topic are published.
5 Apr 2016

Mistrust, costs, side effects keep patients from taking pills

Medication non-adherence is a big problem—much bigger than most physicians realize. The first step in getting patients to adhere is understanding the reasons why they don't.
1 Feb 2009

PCSK9 inhibitor appears more effective than ezetimibe for short-term LDL lowering in small, randomized trial

The authors of an accompanying editorial noted that PCSK9 inhibitors like evolocumab are not approved for the indication in the trial and have not yet been shown to reduce cardiovascular events.
5 Apr 2016

Endo ‘08: new research ignites debate about best A1C goals

From diabetes and dyslipidemia to hormones and hirsutism, the Endocrine Society's 90th annual meeting in San Francisco last June was a wellspring of new information and fresh debate.
1 Sep 2008

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