Search results for "Cholesterol management"
Updated guideline on cholesterol management focuses on detailed risk assessment
The guideline from the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association recommends that physicians talk to patients about risk-enhancing factors that can help provide a more personalized risk assessment, in addition to such traditional risk factors as smoking and high blood pressure.
20 Nov 2018
Cholesterol management becomes more complicated
This issue covers topics such as cholesterol management, wearable health care technology, and post-traumatic stress disorder after a life-threatening illness.
1 Nov 2015
New assessment tool may improve predictions of CV risk, impact of preventive treatments
The new three-step tool aims to provide a framework for delivering appropriate risk-reducing strategies to Medicare patients with a 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk greater than 30%.
8 Nov 2016
Why internists should care about lipoprotein(a)
Lipoprotein(a) can be a significant risk factor for heart disease and requires consideration when developing a plan of care, especially in the highest risk patients.
1 May 2020
Data support targeted approach to cholesterol screening in young adults
The 10-year risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease was less than one half of 1% in nonsmoking, nondiabetic women younger than age 50 years and men younger than age 40 years.
16 May 2017
Calculating risk for cholesterol drugs
Differing guidelines and a new class of drugs may cause uncertainty on the part of patients and practitioners.
1 Nov 2015
MKSAP Quiz: Cardiac risk assessment
A 58-year-old man is evaluated during a routine appointment and asks for advice on cardiac risk assessment. He does not have any current cardiac symptoms, exercises 4 days per week, and has never smoked. He has no chronic health issues and takes no medications. He has no known drug allergies. Results of the physical examination are normal. Following cardiovascular risk calculation, what test should be performed next?
5 Apr 2016
Shared physician and patient financial incentives associated with most LDL improvement
Participants were randomized to 1 of 4 groups: a control group, a group where physicians could receive up to $1,024 per patient meeting LDL goals, a group where patients could win up to $1,024 in daily lotteries for medication adherence, or a group where the incentives were shared between physicians and patients.
17 Nov 2015
ACP joins Million Hearts Campaign
ACP has joined the Million Hearts Campaign, an initiative that aims to prevent a million heart attacks and strokes over the next five years.
5 Jun 2012
Adding ezetimibe to statins in ACS may improve cardiovascular outcomes
Reduction of LDL cholesterol levels may explain the effect of statins on coronary heart disease.
9 Jun 2015