Search results for "Bell's palsy"

Results 1 - 5 of about 5 for "Bell's palsy".

New recommendations on diagnosis and treatment of Bell's palsy

Recommendations on diagnosing and treating Bell's palsy were recently provided by a new clinical practice guideline from the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation.
12 Nov 2013

Dabigatran recalled, dense-breast notification required

This column reviews recent recalls, alerts, and approvals.
1 May 2023

Prednisolone may reduce mild, moderate sequelae in Bell's palsy

Treatment with prednisolone may reduce mild and moderate sequelae of Bell's palsy, according to a new study.
5 Jun 2012

Fourth doses, stealth variant, rapid tests focus of latest COVID-19 research

A fourth vaccine dose increased antibodies but didn't significantly reduce infections in an Israeli study. Antibody response is similar with the stealth variant and with the original omicron variant, a small study showed. Other research found that a rapid antigen test caught most omicron infections, and the vaccines weren't associated with neurological conditions.
22 Mar 2022

Advice on monoclonal antibodies; new data on long-term COVID-19 symptoms, vaccine efficacy

The NIH offered guidance on prioritization when monoclonal antibodies can't be given to all eligible patients. Two studies looked at patients with persistent COVID-19 symptoms, and other research confirmed the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines, even with the delta variant.
14 Sep 2021

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