Search results for "Antibiotic Resistance"

Results 1 - 4 of about 4 for "Antibiotic Resistance".

Antimicrobial stewardship in the clinic

As of Jan. 1, 2020, all ambulatory practices accredited by The Joint Commission, including those providing medical or dental services and urgent care, must meet new antimicrobial stewardship requirements.
1 Jan 2020

Resist the urge to overtreat bacteriuria

Antibiotics could be avoided more frequently even in patients who have significant bacteriuria if a physician takes the time to convey potential antibiotic risks.
1 Jul 2019

New strategies required to battle antibiotic overuse

At least two million people each year in the United States are infected with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, and at least 23,000 people die each year as a result of these infections.
1 Apr 2017

‘Unlearning’ how to prescribe antibiotics

Health care leaders have spent endless hours trying to break a habit that's been surprisingly intractable: prescribing antibiotics when they're not warranted.
1 Sep 2012

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