Search results for "Alzheimer Disease"

Results 1 - 2 of about 2 for "Alzheimer Disease".

Phase 3 trial shows efficacy of donanemab for Alzheimer disease

In an industry-funded, placebo-controlled trial of patients with early symptomatic Alzheimer disease and amyloid and tau pathology, patients on the investigational drug donanemab showed significant slowing in worsening on the integrated Alzheimer Disease Rating Scale score.
25 Jul 2023

Alzheimer's markers make management tougher

New guidelines and diagnostic advances are identifying Alzheimer's disease and its precursors much earlier in the course of the disease. The bad news is that, for now at least, these improvements may only create more dilemmas for general internists for the role of biomarkers and communicating with patients.
1 Sep 2011

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