Search results for "ACP Centennial"

Results 1 - 10 of about 10 for "ACP Centennial".

2005-2015: ACP hits 100; still going strong

ACP pursues political goals, such as health care reform and the reduction of firearms-related deaths and injuries.
1 Nov 2015

1995-2004: The big merger

After years of effort and negotiation, ACP and the American Society of Internal Medicine officially merged in 1998.
1 Oct 2015

1985-1994: Pharma and health care reform cause conflict

Controversies about health care policy and pharma advertisements divided College leadership.
1 Sep 2015

1975-1984: The Cold War touches the globe and the College

ACP's seventh decade witnesses an increase in geopolitics and its impact on medicine as well as the role that other specialties would play in primary care.
1 Jul 2015

1965-1974: ACP faces angry students, new specialists

ACP's sixth decade witnesses the founding of new specialties, new technological advances, and even a student protest.
1 Jun 2015

1955-1964: ACP becomes cosmopolitan

ACP's fourth decade was a time of internationalism and glamour.
1 May 2015

1945-1954: ACP and other organizations find their niches

ACP's fourth decade started with the restoration of pre-World War II programs that had been suspended, as well as struggles with more philosophical issues.
1 Apr 2015

Founding ABIM, fighting World War II: ACP from 1935-1945

ACP's third decade began with the founding of a certifying body for internal medicine, with written and clinical exams starting in 1936. The protests began soon thereafter. It wasn't the only war fought within the next 10 years.
1 Mar 2015

ACP history: Moving to Philly, dealing with the Depression

ACP's second decade saw upheaval, multiple moves, and a reluctant president accepting the office. Then, the Great Depression struck.
1 Feb 2015

ACP begins: College history from 1915 to 1924

This is the first in a series of articles about ACP's history that will be published in 2015 to mark the College's centennial year.
1 Jan 2015

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