Search results for "Weight loss"

Results 81 - 90 of about 298 for "Weight loss".
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MKSAP Quiz: Increasing fatigue for 8 months

A 62-year-old man undergoes a routine examination. He notes increasing fatigue of 8 months' duration but states he can perform his usual daily activities. He has no fever, night sweats, anorexia, or weight loss. The medical history is noncontributory, and he takes no medications. On physical examination, vital signs are normal. The spleen is palpable three finger breadths below the left midcostal margin. There is no lymphadenopathy or hepatomegaly. Following lab studies and a peripheral blood smear, what is the most appropriate management of the patient now?.
1 May 2014

MKSAP quiz: epigastric pain and daily heartburn

A 55-year-old white man has a several-year history of epigastric pain and daily heartburn without dysphagia or weight loss.
1 Sep 2009

MKSAP Quiz: persistent heartburn and regurgitation

A 50-year-old man is evaluated for persistent heartburn and regurgitation despite taking a high-dose proton-pump inhibitor twice a day for 6 months. His symptoms have improved, but he continues to have symptoms many times a week. He has not had dysphagia, chest pain or weight loss. He has significantly modified his diet. His only medication is esomeprazole, 40 mg twice a day, which he takes as directed. Endoscopy reveals persistent esophagitis and a moderately large hiatal hernia. His BMI is 34. What is the most appropriate next step in treatment?
4 Feb 2014

Diet may improve vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women

Eating a healthy diet may help improve vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women, according to a new study.
17 Jul 2012

Primary care-based weight-loss program led to remission of type 2 diabetes

At the end of 12 months, 36 intervention participants lost 15 kg or more, compared to no participants in the control group, and diabetes remission was associated with the amount of weight lost.
12 Dec 2017

Prediabetes: What can doctors call it?

Internists know to screen patients for diabetes, but may be unsure how to manage patients whose blood glucose levels are higher than normal but fall below the cutoff of the disease.
1 Jul 2017

Approvals for an oral anticoagulant, generic esomeprazole

This update covers the approval of an oral medication to reduce the risk of stroke and embolism in atrial fibrillation and the first generic version of esomeprazole.
1 Apr 2015

From internist to whistleblower on detention facilities

An FACP alerted the Senate to conditions at migrant detention centers.
1 Oct 2019

Tread lightly: Discussing obesity difficult for internists

Internists are increasingly viewed as the first in line to tell patients that they are obese.
1 Jul 2011

Mobile apps no ‘magic pill’ for maintaining health

Health maintenance and lifestyle apps could reach a new generation of patients, but there are challenges that could limit their overall success.
1 Oct 2015

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