Search results for "Weight loss"

Results 31 - 40 of about 298 for "Weight loss".
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Dementia care not just a prescription

A diagnosis of dementia brings up potential concerns that physicians can help patients and their caregivers explore in a neutral, nonjudgmental way.
1 May 2020

Gastric bypass benefits persist over long-term follow-up, study finds

The authors said their study shows long-term durability of weight loss after bariatric surgery with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, as well as related improvements in type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and lipid levels.
26 Sep 2017

High-value management of patients with GI symptoms

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, rectal bleeding, and chronic diarrhea can be controlled better by applying high-value care.
1 Jun 2017

MKSAP Quiz: evaluation for chest discomfort and cough

A 45-year-old man is evaluated for right-sided chest discomfort and cough of 2 weeks' duration. His chest discomfort is described as a vague, painful sensation on the right. The cough occasionally produces a small amount of sputum; he reports no hemoptysis or shortness of breath. He has felt feverish with mild fatigue but has had no weight loss. He is a smoker with a 20-pack-year history. Following a physical exam and chest radiograph, what is the most appropriate management?
13 Dec 2016

Exercise a fitting path to improved health

Some physicians tout successes in getting patients moving more by suggesting incremental changes in their activity levels, and also by highlighting the more immediately visible payoffs.
1 Apr 2021

Sustained change a challenge for health

Health-linked incentives have become increasingly common, particularly by employers. But researchers are still trying to sort out what type and design of incentives are most effective and whether they hold significant potential to achieve both short- and long-term behavioral changes.
1 May 2016

Research at SGIM meeting targets prevention

From smoking to weight loss to vaccination, much of the research at the Society for General Internal Medicine annual meeting focused on preventive medicine. Researchers from around the country shared data on their efforts to keep patients healthy.
1 Jul 2009

MKSAP Quiz: Routine follow-up for very severe COPD

A 75-year-old man is seen for routine follow-up for very severe COPD. He has constant dyspnea and air hunger and spends most of the day in a chair. He has had no change in baseline cough and sputum production. He has had multiple COPD exacerbations that required ICU admission and intubation. He has not benefited from pulmonary rehabilitation in the past. What is the most appropriate management?
7 Nov 2017

Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives

ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.
1 Jan 2022

Preoperative factors may help predict long-term weight outcomes after gastric bypass, study finds

Out of more than 200 clinical factors, only 3 were associated with greater long-term weight loss: preoperative insulin use, history of smoking, and use of 12 or more medications before surgery.
16 Aug 2016

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