Search results for "NSAID use"
As little as 1 week of NSAID use may be associated with increased risk of acute MI, review finds
Use for eight to 30 days was particularly harmful with more than 1,200 mg of ibuprofen per day, more than 750 mg of naproxen per day, and more than 25 mg of rofecoxib per day.
16 May 2017
NSAID use may be associated with increased VTE risk
There may be a statistically significant increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) among users of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), a meta-analysis found.
30 Sep 2014
MKSAP Quiz: 1-year history of lower extremity edema
This week's quiz asks readers to determine the most likely diagnosis for a 60-year-old man with a 30-year history of poorly controlled ankylosing spondylitis and intermittent uveitis who is evaluated for a 1-year history of lower extremity edema.
14 Feb 2023
NSAIDs associated with increased risk of bleeding, cardiovascular events after MI
Compared to other NSAIDs, celecoxib and meloxicam were associated with a lower risk of bleeding or cardiovascular events among Korean patients who had a myocardial infarction (MI).
28 Jul 2020
MKSAP Quiz: Severe cramps associated with menstrual periods
A 24-year-old woman is evaluated for severe cramps associated with her menstrual periods. The cramps have worsened over the past year, and the discomfort is severe enough that she has periodically missed work. Following a physical exam and negative pregnancy test, what is the most appropriate treatment for this patient's dysmenorrhea?
10 Apr 2018
MKSAP Quiz: 3-month history of left knee pain
A 76-year-old woman is evaluated for a 3-month history of left knee pain of moderate intensity that worsens with ambulation. She reports minimal pain at rest and no nocturnal pain. There are no clicking or locking symptoms. She has tried naproxen and ibuprofen but developed dyspepsia; acetaminophen provides mild to moderate relief. The patient has hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and chronic stable angina. Medications are lisinopril, metoprolol, simvastatin, low-dose aspirin, and nitroglycerin as needed. Following a physical exam, lab results and radiograph, what is the next best step in management?
1 Apr 2014
New warnings required for nonaspirin NSAIDs
The agency is also requesting that these changes be made to the labels of over-the-counter nonaspirin NSAIDs.
14 Jul 2015
MKSAP Quiz: Management of joint pain
A 67-year-old woman is evaluated during a routine examination. She has a history of hip and knee pain related to degenerative joint disease. The joint pain is now well controlled with diclofenac, which was started 3 months ago. She does not have any gastrointestinal symptoms, and she takes the diclofenac with food most of the time. What is the most appropriate management?
20 Jun 2017
Mobile app increased screening rates, colonoscopy decreased mortality risk, studies find
Patients who used an iPad app had twice the colorectal cancer screening rates as those in a control group.
13 Mar 2018
MKSAP Quiz: 3-month history of left knee pain
A 76-year-old woman is evaluated for a 3-month history of left knee pain of moderate intensity that worsens with ambulation. She reports minimal pain at rest and no nocturnal pain. There are no clicking or locking symptoms. She has tried naproxen and ibuprofen but developed dyspepsia; acetaminophen provides mild to moderate relief. Following a physical exam, lab results and a radiograph, what is the next best step in management?
17 Dec 2013