Search results for "Medical Education"

Results 371 - 374 of about 374 for "Medical Education".
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In the News

The latest news and clinical studies affecting internal medicine, from the files of ACP InternistWeekly.
1 Jun 2009

Making a difference in internists' daily work, patients' health

ACP seeks to understand how internists perceive its advocacy and how to best show them more clearly its relevance to their daily lives.
1 Jun 2018

Classified AdvertisingJanuary 2014 ACPINTERNIST 13 SAINT ALPHONSUS MEDICAL GROUP ...

As Vice Chair of the Department, the incumbent will be responsible forrecruitment of core program faculty, faculty development, departmentalcontinuing medical education, and as a liaison to Georgetown University’sDepartment of Medicine ... MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center, Baltimore, MD. Accreditation:The American College of Physicians is accred-ited by the Accreditation Council forContinuing Medical Education to provide con-tinuing medical education for physicians.
20 Dec 2013

Classified Advertising 18 ACPINTERNIST Join the Premier Healthcare Systemin ...

all levels of clinical scienceteaching and the design and improvementof the medical curriculum including TeamBased Learning (TBL). ... Thomas Hill, Ph.D.Director of Medical EducationOffice of Medical Education. 501 N.
24 Apr 2013

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