Search results for "Medical Education"

Results 301 - 310 of about 374 for "Medical Education".
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Med schools promoting care for underserved

To encourage primary care careers, medical schools are offering students shortened specialty rotations in favor of fast-track graduation, half-tuition forgiveness and having students follow patients wherever they go in the health system. Different teaching models emphasize continuity of care over snapshots of diagnoses, and place students in the clinics where they can fulfill the nation's need for rural care.
1 Feb 2010

It's tough to navigate return from cancer care to primary care

An Institute of Medicine report suggests that patients are becoming lost in transitions between oncology and primary care. Educating physicians is a key to overcoming many of the barriers.
1 Nov 2011

Institute of Medicine report falls short on primary care training

Organized medicine reacted with concern to a proposal to restructure graduate medical education that did not take into account the looming shortage in primary care.
1 Oct 2014

Leadership Day attendees push legislators to finish SGR fix

Physicians and medical students representing ACP took to Capitol Hill to discuss the sustainable growth rate formula, workforce issues, and liability reform.
1 Jul 2014

Spotlight cast on industry gifts, payouts to physicians

The Physician Payments Sunshine Act goes into effect Aug. 1. We detail what physicians need to know.
1 Jul 2013

Together internal medicine and the subspecialties are stronger

Members of the American College of Physicians met with the leaders of subspecialty societies to develop ways to better coordinate care, redesign medical education and support the medical profession.
1 Jan 2013

Health care reform's effects on physicians described

Health care reform's effects on physicians described
24 Aug 2010

Nominees named for College Officer and Regent positions

ACP announces the nominations for candidates.
1 Nov 2010

Business experts urge small-practice doctors to take action

Speakers at a recent Business of Medicine Summit had some grim predictions and urgent alerts for attendees: “Start preparing for that storm that's partly on the coast but not here yet.”.
1 May 2013

Internal medicine residency match results encouraging

The number of U.S. senior medical students choosing categorical internal medicine residencies increased this year for the fourth consecutive year, according to the 2013 National Resident Matching Program.
19 Mar 2013

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