Search results for "Medical Education"

Results 271 - 280 of about 370 for "Medical Education".
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New research links empathy to outcomes

Everyone wants to have a physician who understands what they're feeling, but it's not just about human contact; better clinical outcomes can result from physician empathy.
1 Mar 2013

Learning to learn: Ophthalmoscopic skills taught by simulation

Creating an ophthalmoscopic examination simulation model is easy, inexpensive and goes a long way toward improving this basic clinical skill set. Acquaint yourself with abnormalities seen in the office, as well as the motor skills involved with proper use of the instruments.
1 Apr 2011

Is the generation gap a growth opportunity?

Younger physicians enter medical school and their careers with a much different take on work-life balance than their teachers, mentors and employers. But each generation brings strengths to the workplace.
1 Apr 2008

Telemedicine's future looks bright, with some caveats

ACP's Healthcare Roundtable predicted new uses for telemedicine in a variety of health care settings.
1 Nov 2018

What's new in other College publications

Including expanded online diabetes management offerings and MKSAP updates.
1 Jan 2009

ACP expands its global reach

ACP is providing access to leading clinical resources and facilitating local interaction and education through its international chapters, which continue to expand. The College's total international membership now exceeds 13,000, an increase of almost 8% from 1 year ago. Currently, there are 18 international chapters.
1 Jan 2016

Leadership Day 2017 prioritizes patient protection

Four hundred Leadership Day attendees from 47 states and Washington, D.C., met with 107 members of Congress and their staffs during more than 400 meetings on Capitol Hill to encourage the goal of protecting patients.
1 Jul 2017

Imperturbability, preparation for internal medicine's future

Student well-being and resiliency should be part and parcel of medical training, and this lifelong learning will help them overcome some of the burnout issues facing medicine today.
1 Jun 2015

Nominees named for ACP Officers and Regent positions

The Nominations Committee of the American College of Physicians places nominations for President-elect, regents, and others.
1 Nov 2008

Build your own ultrasound-guided thoracentesis simulator

The use of bedside, portable diagnostic ultrasound devices by nonradiologists is increasing, because of both maturing, more affordable technology and evidence supporting improved patient safety and process efficiency.
1 Feb 2012

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