Search results for "Medical Education"

Results 221 - 230 of about 380 for "Medical Education".
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Year-two skills are forged from year-one lessons

A doctor's medical education transitions him to the role of leader, even as he reflects on how little his training has prepared him to be one.
1 Oct 2013


ACP recognizes former College officials who have passed.
1 Oct 2015

Officer and Regents election results announced

The election of Officers and Regents has been completed. Terms become effective at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting and Town Hall at Internal Medicine Meeting 2019 in Philadelphia.
1 Mar 2019

New ACP adult immunization initiative to teach residents

A new, free program from ACP's Quality Connect will teach residents about the science of adult immunizations and provide evidence-based strategies for increasing vaccination rates.
9 Dec 2014

Nominees named for College Officer and Regent positions

The Governance Committee of the American College of Physicians places in nomination candidates for President-elect, Treasurer, and other positions.
1 Nov 2015

Climate change and clinical practice

This issue covers such topics as how internists can address climate health issues in their practice, what internists can do for patients with fibromyalgia, and how to identify and manage resistant hypertension.
1 Sep 2016

Internists work on Russian health and international relations

When ACP members first began traveling to Russia in the late 1990s, the weather wsa chilly, but the reception was anything but.
1 Jun 2008

Officer and Regent election results announced

Election results include the Chair-elect, Board of Regents, two new regents and the Chair-elect Designee, Board of Governors.
1 Mar 2011

ACP's Steven Weinberger, FACP, blogs at KevinMD

ACP's Steven Weinberger, FACP, blogs at KevinMD
30 Mar 2010

ACP's Steven Weinberger, FACP, blogs at KevinMD

ACP's Steven Weinberger, FACP, blogs at KevinMD
25 May 2010

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