Search results for "Food insecurity"

Results 11 - 20 of about 26 for "Food insecurity".
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ACP policies target inequity to improve health

We must be intentional in our efforts to address the needs of individuals experiencing health care disparities and inequities based on social drivers of health.
1 Sep 2022

Supporting grieving patients after a loss

There are ways to talk to patients after the death of a loved one, recognize tips for diagnosing and managing prolonged grief disorder, and access grief counselors for referral.
1 Jan 2023

16th annual Global Forum discusses threat of rising drug prices

At ACP's Global Forum in San Diego, attendees discussed how pharmaceutical pricing constitutes an overall health threat to patients.
1 Nov 2023

Lessons learned from telemedicine

Although many internists may have felt inexperienced with telemedicine before the pandemic, they could well have been doing it all along.
1 Oct 2020

Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives

ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.
1 Apr 2021

A shifting focus on the role of patients' nonmedical needs

Two ACP position papers offer guidance on the role primary care physicians can play in addressing traditionally nonmedical issues, often known as the social determinants of health, and how they encourage the development of patient-centered care.
1 Apr 2019

Four types of food vouchers, same dietary outcomes

Voucher restriction and frequency did not appear to affect fruit and vegetable intake.
1 Sep 2019

Keeping up with cannabis

This issue also covers psoriatic arthritis, staffing for primary care, and social determinants of health.
1 Apr 2019

New insulin questioned; carbon emission price proposed

Readers address insulin dosing and propose going further on climate change.
1 Sep 2016

Well-being assessment considers more than physical health

Health and well-being are entwined concepts, part of a comprehensive model of health that measures medical, physical, psychological, functional, and sensory aspects. When this more comprehensive model is applied, more patients can be found to have significant vulnerabilities that could affect chances of death or incapacitation within the next 5 years.
1 Oct 2016

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