Search results for "Epilepsy"

Results 341 - 350 of about 377 for "Epilepsy".
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Bringing health to low-income patients in the clinic and media

Erin N. Marcus, FACP, authors a practical health column directed to readers who don't have enough financial resources or access to care.
1 Nov 2010

A practical guide to creating and maintaining a ‘red flag’ program

Federal regulations require doctors' offices to set up written procedures to protect against identity theft. Practice pearls outline steps to follow to comply with the new law.
1 May 2009

Broad efforts needed to reduce alcohol-related traffic deaths

Internists can intervene in alcohol-related traffic deaths by counseling patients against riding with impaired drivers, promoting local sobriety checkpoints, and supporting mass-media campaigns against alcohol-impaired driving, among other measures.
1 May 2018

Anticoagulant choice for stroke won't be easy for some time

New agents improve upon warfarin, but they are expensive and lack antidotes for urgent reversal. There is no clear winner among the current options, and more are on the way.
1 Oct 2013

Does ACA coverage really make a difference?

Patients with health insurance have better outcomes and enjoy better quality of life. The Affordable Care Act is offering more people access, even though cost-sharing may still put better care out of reach.
1 Mar 2015

Find mentoring and networking events that work for you

Celebrate, network and learn with special courses tailored to ACP members.
1 Mar 2009

MKSAP Quiz: 2-month history of painless, violaceous skin nodules with edema

A 32-year-old man is evaluated for a 2-month history of painless, violaceous skin nodules with surrounding edema on the chest, back, and lower extremities. He reports that he has sex with men. Medical history is significant for AIDS, with a CD4 cell count of 54/µL. He is not following an antiretroviral therapy regimen. Following a physical exam, what is the most likely cause of these findings?
1 Oct 2019

Calculate ‘sum of the parts' to pinpoint CV risk in women

Women face a steep increase in cardiovascular risk after menopause, requiring internists to incorporate composite indicators into the annual exam at midlife.
1 Jan 2018

High-value care a focus at Hospital Medicine 2017

Hospital Medicine 2017 featured advice on providing high-value care, from how to talk about the concept with patients to which tests and screens to give and which drugs to stop.
1 Jul 2017

Don't be anxious about psychiatric diagnoses

Tips can help physicians with the screening and treatment of mental disorders seen in primary care, including somatoform, bipolar and anxiety disorders.
1 Jun 2013

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