Search results for "Epilepsy"

Results 311 - 320 of about 377 for "Epilepsy".
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PMC Tips: Hold to a higher standard on hiring

Medical schools don't teach management skills, but every physician needs them.
1 Jun 2008

Warnings on insomnia meds, pacemaker battery depletion

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
1 Jul 2019

Look for reasons if patients refuse advice

Refusal can be frustrating for physicians, who likely see their medical advice as contributing toward healing and improving quality of life. But patients reserve the right to make informed decisions about their care, even if these decisions run counter to what's been recommended.
1 Feb 2014

Why job descriptions matter

Job descriptions not only help practices hire and retain the right employees, they can also have a positive effect on productivity and profitability.
1 Jul 2012

Medicare for all, or for anyone who wants it?

Physicians can have an outsized influence on the debate around Medicare for All versus private insurance.
1 Apr 2019

First blood test approved to evaluate concussion

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
1 Apr 2018

Diving into delicate patient conversations

Delivering unpleasant news is one of the hardest tasks a physician faces. Assessing sensitive topics heightens the difficulty, and two physicians at Internal Medicine 2012 address ways to handle especially sensitive areas: sexual history, and the inability to safely drive a car.
1 Jun 2012

Practice Tips: Ancillary procedures are win-win-win

There are several ways to increase practice revenue, including patient volume, better collections, or better contract rates.
1 Mar 2014

Target preop visits for efficiency, best outcomes

Internists can guide preoperative anticoagulation, ensure that patients are in optimal condition for procedures, and##mdash;perhaps most importantly##mdash;judiciously choose which tests to perform and which ones aren't needed.
1 Sep 2014

Contraception review offers solutions to a perennial problem

Half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended, a figure on par with developing countries. Women often think they are not at risk of getting pregnant when they most certainly are.
1 Jun 2013

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