Search results for "Epilepsy"

Results 291 - 300 of about 374 for "Epilepsy".
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Can the electronic medical record contain an entire genome?

Genetic records create data by the petabyte. That's a number with 15 zeros trailing along. That's 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. That's a lot of data for primary care physicians to manage as genetic tests become more common.
1 Feb 2011

FTC rule requires doctors to monitor identify theft red flags

New rules treat doctors' offices like banks and credit card companies, holding them responsible for identity theft the same way they're responsible for patient privacy.
1 May 2009

Debate ignites over safety of e-cigarettes

E-cigarettes can open doors into the subject of quitting tobacco use. Although the devices lack any hard data to support their use, they can offer doctors a chance to explore with patients other options for smoking cessation.
1 Mar 2014

Attribution error results from a positive stereotype

A 58-year-old man with type 1 diabetes at age 38, a case of latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood, reports worsening control of his blood sugars despite increasing doses of insulin. An internist must sort through the facts of the case to find out what's responsible.
1 May 2011

Twitter: a medical help, hindrance or hype?

Imagine a future where you can with a click of the mouse see what your patients and colleagues read on the Internet this morning, what they ate for lunch, and what they're working on right now. Whether that sounds to you like a potential practice innovation or a disaster of oversharing probably indicates whether you'll have any use for Twitter, the most hyped Internet innovation of the year.
1 Apr 2009

Thinking about our thinking as physicians

Cognitive errors have been the bane of making the right diagnosis, and the final installment of the Mindful Medicine column reviews the previous three years of traps and pitfalls that physicians must account for when presented with patients who aren't getting any better, often despite multiple encounters in the health care system.
1 Oct 2011

First blood test approved to evaluate concussion

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
1 Apr 2018

Warnings on insomnia meds, pacemaker battery depletion

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
1 Jul 2019

Clearing patients for takeoff a new duty for internists

More than 100,000 pilots annually can now request a comprehensive physical examination and medication review from any state-licensed physician. What should internists look for when faced with such a request?
1 Jul 2017

Allergist offers answers for internists' practice encounters

Allergies and all the “As” of asthma, aspirin and anaphylaxis get considered in a session on conditions that affect one-fifth of the population.
1 Jun 2010

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