Search results for "Epilepsy"

Results 281 - 290 of about 374 for "Epilepsy".
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Mindful Medicine: Don't confuse correlation with causation

The case of a young woman mistakenly diagnosed with asthma llustrates the danger of confusing correlation and causation.
1 Jul 2008

Large valsartan recall, new warnings for fluoroquinolones

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
1 Sep 2018

Are internists team leaders or orchestra conductors?

Experience gained during residency training alongside so many other specialists and a role as care coordinators makes internal medicine specialists become uniquely qualified to serve as the conductor of this patient care orchestra.
1 Nov 2019

Warning for tofacitinib; generic pregabalin approved

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
1 Sep 2019

Med schools promoting care for underserved

To encourage primary care careers, medical schools are offering students shortened specialty rotations in favor of fast-track graduation, half-tuition forgiveness and having students follow patients wherever they go in the health system. Different teaching models emphasize continuity of care over snapshots of diagnoses, and place students in the clinics where they can fulfill the nation's need for rural care.
1 Feb 2010

Improved BP control requires patients to change behavior

Physicians are working with patients on behavioral changes that might stave off the worst consequences of high blood pressure that occur later in life.
1 Mar 2015

Early interventions overlooked in OA

Osteoarthritis has been somewhat neglected, according to a recently formed consortium that is advocating for more proactive diagnosis and intervention. Earlier screening and a less reactive approach might head off some of the worst of the difficulties and related treatment costs.
1 May 2013

Attribution error confounds a diagnosis after colon cancer

A rapid deterioration in mental status confounds a gastroenterologist following a patient for colon cancer. Following a hospital admission, the internal medicine resident reviews the patient's history for the clue to the right diagnosis.
1 Jul 2010

Toward a patient- and family-centered practice

A physician in the process of transforming his practice into a medical home discovered a resource that was already at his fingertips: patients and families who could help apply patient- and family-centered care concepts to primary care.
1 May 2013

MS confounds, calls for better coordination

Internists are closely involved in care for multiple sclerosis, from recognizing symptoms to preventing complications. As the first line of defense, primary care physicians can find reassurance in guidance from a recent consensus paper on differential diagnosis.
1 Sep 2009

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