Search results for "Epilepsy"

Results 271 - 280 of about 374 for "Epilepsy".
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First Ebola vaccine approved; FDA enforcement on e-cigs

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
1 Mar 2020

And the winner is …

ACP InternistWeekly has tallied the voting from its latest cartoon contest, where readers are invited to match wits against their peers to provide the most original and amusing caption.
1 Mar 2011

Lessen the burdens of Medicare's home health requirements

Home health care now requires face-to-face certification of eligibility based on the patient's current condition, a burden that doesn't have to be one. A few simple tips can ensure that the patient's needs and Medicare's paperwork are both satisfied.
1 Feb 2012

For hypertension, how low to go?

Updated blood pressure guidelines may have created more questions than closure, internists have found, as they try to determine how aggressively to treat the condition and what goals to set for subpopulations of patients, such as those with diabetes. Experts react to the “paradigm shift” in lowering hypertension.
1 Apr 2014

Annual ICD-9 diagnosis code revisions take effect in October

A review of the annual updates to ICD-9 code set finds that there are more codes affecting internists than in years past. ACP digests these, as well as category headings and exclusion notes.
1 Oct 2010

Integrative medicine makes gains in back pain

An ACP clinical practice guideline officially recommended noninvasive and nonpharmacologic treatments for patients with acute low back pain who are not at risk for serious underlying conditions.
1 Oct 2017

The confusing world of EHR incentives

The federal government's substantial incentive program for electronic health records is no reason to rush out and buy one. Final rulings on how to interpret issues such as “meaningful use” won't be decided upon until the summer. Diligence is needed to choose a system that matches the practice workflow.
1 May 2010

More research needed on long-term opioids

This issue covers topics including opioid pain management, malnutrition, and ‘incidentalomas' during imaging.
1 Apr 2015

Mindful medicine: Perils of diagnosing the physician-patient

A physician diagnoses himself, leaving a colleague to undo some of the mistaken thinking and come up with a simple diagnosis.
1 Jan 2009

New COPD treatment, warnings on insomnia and migraine drugs

This regulatory update covers approval of a combined long-term maintenance treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, warnings against driving after taking insomnia drugs and on use of migraine drugs in pregnant women, and more.
1 Jul 2013

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