Search results for "Drug therapy"
MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation after a fall and surgery
A 72-year-old man is evaluated following surgical fixation of a right distal radius fracture after a fall. A dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scan performed 2 years ago showed low bone mineral density. Alendronate weekly was initiated after the scan, and he has been adherent to therapy. What is the most appropriate management?
30 Apr 2024
New research evaluates RA patients' cardiovascular risks Rheumatologists also mull advances, complications of drug therapy
Much of the research presented at the 71st annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology focused on cardiovascular and other non-rheumatological consequences of the disease.
1 Jan 2008
Age only one consideration in post-MI drug therapy
To determine the best therapy for elderly patients after a heart attack, physicians should get to know their goals for their lives.
1 Sep 2020
Catheter ablation improved quality of life, but not major adverse cardiac events, versus medical therapy in afib
This research provides essential information to optimize the care of atrial fibrillation patients in a patient-centric way that allows for shared decision making when considering treatment options, an editorial noted.
19 Mar 2019
Afib guideline updates diagnosis, management strategies
An updated guideline from cardiology societies places new emphasis on lifestyle and risk factor modification in patients with atrial fibrillation and risk for recurrence when afib occurs after surgery, among other changes.
12 Dec 2023
PrEPare for HIV care
Internal medicine physicians are already trained to care for complex medical conditions, and HIV is no different, especially as adults age and develop diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions.
1 Nov 2023
Testosterone may not decrease fracture risk in hypogonadism
A substudy of an industry-funded randomized trial in men with hypogonadism found that 3.50% of those assigned to testosterone and 2.46% assigned to placebo had a clinical fracture after 3.19 years of follow-up.
23 Jan 2024
Why and how to monitor hypertension at home
Home measurement of high blood pressure overcomes variability inherent in office measurements, delivers better assessment of systolic pressure (and hence, of possible cardiovascular events) and offers a better chance of discontinuing drug therapy.
1 Mar 2011
Patients may respond differently to different hypertension drug classes
The authors of a randomized, double-blind, repeated crossover trial in Sweden estimated that personalized antihypertensive therapy could yield an average reduction in systolic blood pressure of 4.4 mm Hg compared to fixed-choice therapy.
18 Apr 2023
Take a team approach to coronary disease
A major update to a cardiology guideline puts team-based, patient-centered care at the forefront of management and highlights the role of healthy diet and exercise habits in reducing cardiovascular risk.
1 Feb 2024