Search results for "Autoimmune diseases"

Results 1 - 10 of about 15 for "Autoimmune diseases".
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MKSAP Quiz: 6-month history of loose stools, bloating, weight loss

A 32-year-old woman is evaluated for a 6-month history of loose stools, bloating, and weight loss. Her brother has type 1 diabetes mellitus, and her mother has autoimmune thyroid disease. After physical examination and laboratory studies, what test should be performed next?
28 Jan 2020

Lupus presentation may be an ‘imitator’

Lupus can involve multiple organ systems and shares the same, sometimes nonspecific presentation as other conditions. But a diligent internist##mdash;an “excellent generalist” in the words of one expert##mdash;can pick up on the correct diagnosis.
1 Nov 2014

TNF-alpha antagonists may not increase risk for serious infections requiring hospitalization, study indicates

TNF-alpha antagonists may not increase risk for infection-related hospitalizations in patients with autoimmune diseases, according to a new study.
15 Nov 2011

Letters to the Editor

PSA tests, fibromyalgia and reconsidering clinical impressions are discussed and debated by ACP members.
1 May 2009

Autoimmune disorders, infections associated with mood disorders

Autoimmune disorders and infections may increase patients' risk for mood disorders, according to a new study.
18 Jun 2013

Hypothyroidism guidelines recommend case-finding testing, treatments, when to consult an endocrinologist

New guidelines on managing hypothyroidism in adults have been issued by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American Thyroid Association.
18 Sep 2012

Handling hoarseness, hearing problems in primary care

Internists can help patients cope with common ENT conditions like hoarseness, tinnitus, and hearing loss.
1 Jun 2021

Sjögren's criteria embrace multispecialty approach

Diagnosis and management of Sjögren's syndrome require participation by rheumatologists, ophthalmologists and oral medicine specialties, according to the first classification criteria endorsed by the American College of Rheumatology.
3 Apr 2012

MKSAP Quiz: Intermittent abdominal discomfort

A 61-year-old woman is evaluated for intermittent abdominal discomfort and a bloating sensation. Approximately 2 months before the swelling started, the patient had a pruritic, gradually progressive rash characterized by redness of the face, and a pruritic rash on her chest, upper back, shoulders, hands, and lateral hips. She has no muscle pain, weakness, or joint pain. Pertinent family history includes breast cancer in her mother and ovarian cancer in her grandmother. Mammogram, Pap test, and colonoscopy, all performed within the last year, were normal. Following a physical exam and lab findings, what is the most appropriate diagnostic study for this patient?.
1 Nov 2013

Elusive Sjogren's manageable—if diagnosed

Lack of awareness compounds a condition that is exceedingly difficult to diagnose. Experts offer signs and symptoms for ruling it out or diagnosing it more quickly.
1 Mar 2009

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