Search results for "vitamin"

Results 1 - 10 of about 217 for "vitamin".
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MKSAP Quiz: Bone health evaluation

A 60-year-old woman is evaluated for bone health during a routine wellness visit. Her mother was treated for a hip fracture after a fall at the age of 65 years. The patient is sedentary and has a 30–pack-year history of cigarette smoking but quit smoking 2 months ago. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
27 Aug 2024

Tackling care fragmentation in patients on dialysis

Primary care for patients on dialysis is highly variable, with no typical way that it is delivered. Careful coordination is key.
1 Sep 2024

Calcium, vitamin D may affect long-term health in postmenopausal women

A post hoc analysis of data from the Women's Health Initiative found that those who took calcium and vitamin D supplements had a lower risk for death from cancer and a higher risk for death from cardiovascular disease.
12 Mar 2024

Presurgery planning may boost postop outcomes

Deconditioning after surgery can happen very quickly, within 24 to 48 hours, but prehabilitation can target modifiable factors to help patients optimize fitness and improve recovery.
1 Jul 2024

Cardiovascular effects of vitamin D supplementation still uncertain, trial finds

Older adults who were randomized to vitamin D supplementation had a slightly lower rate of cardiovascular events, particularly myocardial infarction, but the overall difference from placebo was not significant, an Australian trial found.
4 Jul 2023

Intervention successful in decreasing routine vitamin D testing

In a pre-post study, a decision support tool that prompted clinicians about appropriate testing criteria and included a best practice advisory was associated with reductions of 44% and 46% in inpatient and outpatient orders and of 61% and 48% in repeat testing, respectively.
9 May 2023

Experts debate pros, cons of vitamin D

An obscure nutrient is now being hailed as a link to prevention of diseases as disparate as diabetes, schizophrenia, cancer, strokes and heart attacks. Experts square off on how much vitamin D can be associated with illnesses, the proper amount that people should get, and how they can get it.
1 Nov 2009

Non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants appear superior to vitamin K antagonists in early-stage CKD

An accompanying editorial said that the current review supports a superior benefit profile of non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants (NOACs) in patients with atrial fibrillation and early-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD).
16 Jul 2019

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for fatigue

A 42-year-old woman is evaluated for several months of fatigue. She reports a normal diet and no gastrointestinal symptoms. Medical history is notable for hypothyroidism and vitiligo. Following a physical exam and lab studies, what is the most appropriate initial diagnostic test?
1 Nov 2022

Higher-dose vitamin D did not improve fall prevention, study finds

Elderly patients at high risk for falls who received 1,000 IU of a vitamin D supplement per day actually had higher risk of falls that were serious or required hospitalization than those who took 200 IU.
8 Dec 2020

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