Search results for "Q

Results 221 - 230 of about 257 for "Q.
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Generic pioglitazone, new HIV combination pill approved

This regulatory update covers approvals of the first generic form of pioglitazone and a combination form of emtricitabine, tonofavir and two new drugs for patients new to HIV treatment.
1 Nov 2012

Five questions that may decide success of health care reform

As open enrollment begins under the Affordable Care Act, its success depends upon who signs up, how easy it is to do so, and whether the states help their residents do so. Physicians can help their patients sign up.
1 Nov 2013

CMS dramatically changes CPT consultation billing for 2010

CMS no longer recognizes CPT consultation codes 99241-99255 for consultations. ACP's practice management staff explain how to bill for outpatient and inpatient visit codes.
1 Jan 2010

It's all about the history in diagnosing fever of unknown origin

There are 4 types of fever of unknown origin, and distinguishing among them starts with the first step: Look for clues from the history and other presenting symptoms.
1 Jun 2014

For hypertension, how low to go?

Updated blood pressure guidelines may have created more questions than closure, internists have found, as they try to determine how aggressively to treat the condition and what goals to set for subpopulations of patients, such as those with diabetes. Experts react to the “paradigm shift” in lowering hypertension.
1 Apr 2014

ICD-10 will require more precision in documenting visits

ACP staff answers questions that have arisen as members ramp up their efforts to comply with the new implementation standards.
1 Apr 2014

Lab oversight important even for waived testing

Waived tests for in-office procedures such as pregnancy or strep tests may be exempt from government oversight, but that doesn't mean they should be exempt from quality control.
1 Mar 2014

Boxed warning added to gout drug, more ARBs recalled

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
1 Apr 2019

Doctors demand specifics on candidates' health care plans

The Health Care Innovations Exchange Web site informs users how their peers have tackled common problems such as appointment scheduling or monitoring glucose levels of hospitalized patients.
1 Jul 2008

2012 election to decide four critical health care questions

Medicaid, Medicare, funding for medical education and guarantees of health insurance coverage for all Americans are on the line in the upcoming presidential election.
1 Oct 2012

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