Search results for "Q

Results 111 - 120 of about 254 for "Q.
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College's new end-of-life guidelines fill gaps in patient care

The College's new guidelines recommend that clinicians regularly assess end-of-life patients for symptoms of pain, dyspnea and depression, and use proven therapies to treat these conditions.
1 Mar 2008

Doctors have an online presence, even if they don't know it yet

Patients are using physician rating websites to find their doctors and find out more about them. ACP Member Kevin Pho, MD, of, explains why doctors need a plan in place to make sure that accurate and positive information makes its way to the top of a search engine.
1 Nov 2013

CMS aims to prevent fraud while protecting ‘the good guys'

Medicare is focusing heavily on preventing fraud, but with an eye toward not burdening legitimate clinicians. Learn three things a practice can do to reduce its chances of being audited.
1 Jun 2012

There is a doctor in the ‘House’ (and she's an ACP Member)

From television news producer to internist to columnist to advisor to one of the most popular medical dramas, Lisa Sanders, ACP Member, explains how a career spent considering the stories behind every diagnosis has led her to become one of the real physicians behind House, M.D.
1 Mar 2010

Lessen the burdens of Medicare's home health requirements

Home health care now requires face-to-face certification of eligibility based on the patient's current condition, a burden that doesn't have to be one. A few simple tips can ensure that the patient's needs and Medicare's paperwork are both satisfied.
1 Feb 2012

Cuba is just across the water, but medically, a different world

ACP Member Paul Drain explored Cuba's medical system and finds primary care broken down much differently than in the U.S., with more access resulting in less of a need for inpatient care. But the politics of re-establishing relations with the country are no less tenuous today than they've previously been.
1 Sep 2010

Help ACP determine Medicare's physician service payments

ACP will invite random members to provide feedback that could influence Medicare reimbursement on services common to internal medicine.
1 Jul 2010

More debate about mammography

This issue covers the debate about breast cancer screening, medication adherence, and the ethics of students who follow up on patients by using the electronic medical record.
1 Mar 2017

Future claims: Moving toward ICD-10 and new standards

ICD-10 and transactions standards are changing. ACP's practice management staff advise how to stay up-to-date across the entire office as Medicare expands its 13,000 diagnosis codes to more than 68,000.
1 Jul 2009

‘Discontinued’ medications a problem when using EHRs

Physicians who wonder why a patient is still taking a discontinued medication might look to their EHRs for the answer. Unlike with new prescriptions, a doctor's orders to stop a drug usually aren't automatically transmitted to pharmacies. This widespread problem requires an old-fashioned solution: talking to patients to ensure they know what medications they are meant to be taking.
1 Apr 2013

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