Search results for "Medical Education"

Results 261 - 270 of about 374 for "Medical Education".
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Portable ultrasound scopes out a new role

Enthusiasts argue that point-of-care ultrasonography extends the scope of the physical exam far beyond what can be auscultated through a stethoscope. Detractors worry about overdiagnosis and a loss of medical skills that have intrinsic value. Both sides seek balance when considering how to use this new technology.
1 May 2014

ASCO statement: Advanced cancer care should be tailored to patient preferences

Put words in our mouth
8 Feb 2011

Growth of free clinics driven by students

The number of medical schools with student-run free clinics has more than doubled in the past decade. Much of that growth is motivated by students who want experience with patients earlier in their training and have a desire to help people in need.
1 May 2015

Drug company information might influence prescribing habits

Drug company information might influence prescribing habits
26 Oct 2010

International colleagues face familiar problems

The conversations taking place at international medical meetings could be taking place at our local chapter meetings.
1 Feb 2019

Nominees named for College Officer, Treasurer and Regents

The Governance Committee of the American College of Physicians placed in nomination candidates for leadership positions.
1 Nov 2012

ACP Highlights

A look at ACP Journal Club Plus, an electronic digest of customizable alerts.
1 May 2008

Years after leaving practice, some doctors choose to return

Physicians sometimes take up the stethoscope again, years or even decades after having involved themselves in other personal or professional pursuits. Programs exist to draw these doctors back into clinical practice, where they are needed.
1 Feb 2011

‘Sic’ing primary care physicians on sickle cell disease

Sickle cell patients who survive into adulthood are falling into a gap in care as they leave a pediatric practice and don't enter an adult one. A pilot program is offering medical education to patients and to clinicians.
1 Apr 2013

Clarity of vision sets the stage for ACP's work

Much has been achieved in the past year, such as repealing the sustainable growth rate formula. New goals include advocating for further changes to Maintenance of Certification and helping physicians transition to new models of care delivery.
1 May 2016

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