Search results for "Medical Education"

Results 251 - 260 of about 374 for "Medical Education".
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Officer and Regent election results announced

The election of Officers and Regents has been completed. Terms become effective at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting at Internal Medicine 2012 in New Orleans.
1 Mar 2012

ACP releases updated Ethics Manual

ACP has released the sixth edition of the Ethics Manual, published as a supplement with the Jan. 3 Annals of Internal Medicine.
10 Jan 2012

Lawmakers try to ‘script’ what doctors say

State legislatures are drafting laws that would mandate what doctors tell their patients about culturally controversial topics such as abortion or guns in the home, or even purely clinical issues such as breast cancer and tissue density. How involved should politicians be in the exam room?.
1 Jan 2012

ABIM seeks input on physician knowledge and skill assessment approaches

The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) has convened a task force of experts within and outside the field of medicine to define what competencies physicians will need as the field continues to evolve and as a means to find the best ways to measure those competencies.
25 Feb 2014

Leadership Day launches new legislation for primary care

ACP members lobby their congressional representatives to plead their case for saving primary care, as well as introduce the “Preserving Patient Access to Primary Care Act of 2009,â€ï¿½ which proposes incentives to pay for care coordination and medical education.
1 Jul 2009

Letters to the Editor

Readers respond to ACP Internist coverage of issues surround the time spent with patients, ICD-10 coding changes, and physician burnout.
1 Mar 2015

ACGME recommends restricting first-years to 16 duty hours per day

ACGME recommends restricting first-years to 16 duty hours per day
29 Jun 2010

Internal medicine can slow climate change, improve health

ACP is once again proactively addressing an issue of importance to human health: climate change.
1 Jul 2016

AMA seeks to coordinate physician re-entry programs

The American Medical Association (AMA) announced new recommendations to improve the process for physicians who want to re-enter clinical medical practice after years in academic, business or personal pursuits.
1 Feb 2011

Optimizing medical therapy after stroke

Stroke survivors often leave the hospital with new prescriptions and substantial confusion about how, or even whether, to take them. This leaves internists with the sometimes formidable job of evaluating, prescribing, or tweaking these regimens, identifying and managing adverse effects, and reinforcing education about treatment risks, benefits, and adherence.
1 Jun 2016

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