Search results for "Antibiotics"

Results 51 - 60 of about 359 for "Antibiotics".
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Vancomycin may have mortality benefit over metronidazole for patients with severe Clostridium difficile infection, study finds

There were no statistically or clinically significant differences in efficacy observed between patients receiving vancomycin and metronidazole across all severity groups, although patients who received vancomycin had a lower risk of mortality than those who received metronidazole due to a reduction in patients with severe infection.
14 Feb 2017

More things you shouldn't do based on the lack of evidence

Unwarranted testing and use of resources make up the biggest chunk of unnecessary health care costs, estimated at between $250 and $325 billion per year, and include such items as folic acid tests for patients with altered mental status, creatine kinase muscle-brain testing, and 24-hour patient observation after switching from IV to oral antibiotics.
1 May 2014

IDSA releases ‘Choosing Wisely’ list

The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) last week released its list of tests or procedures whose necessity should be questioned, as part of the ABIM Foundation's Choosing Wisely initiative.
3 Mar 2015

Testing CRP level safely reduced antibiotic use in patients with COPD exacerbation

In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations, point-of-care testing of C-reactive protein (CRP) level decreased antibiotic use without affecting clinical outcomes, a randomized controlled trial found.
16 Jul 2019

Oral fluoroquinolones may not be associated with increased arrhythmia risk

Researchers detected a significant difference according to age group, but no statistically significant differences in rate ratios in subanalyses of underlying cardiovascular disease, co-treatment with drugs known to increase the risk of torsades de points, country of residence, or sex or across levels of arrhythmia risk score.
8 Mar 2016

New guidelines aim to improve diverticulitis treatment

This issue includes stories on managing diverticulitis, using direct oral anticoagulants, and payment and performance measures.
1 Apr 2022

MKSAP Quiz: 1-year history of increasing urinary frequency

A 50-year-old man is evaluated for a 1-year history of increasing urinary frequency and urgency and occasional urge incontinence. He has no symptoms of urinary hesitancy or incomplete emptying. The patient has primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Medications are dalfampridine and vitamin D. Following a physical exam, gait testing, and urinalysis, what is the most appropriate treatment?
15 Mar 2016

Need grows for antimicrobial stewardship

Internists looking for a career in a growth field could consider antimicrobial stewardship. One internist recounts the ups and downs of his chosen profession.
1 Jul 2015

Setting goals to improve quality under MIPS

Five principles frequently define successful individual and organizational goal-setting and achievement. They can be applied as physicians convert to the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System, which will have a dramatic impact on future Medicare reimbursements.
1 Mar 2017

MKSAP Quiz: pre-procedural evaluation

A 46-year-old woman is evaluated before undergoing a dental cleaning procedure involving deep scaling. She has a history of mitral valve prolapse without regurgitation and also had methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) aortic valve endocarditis 10 years ago treated successfully with antibiotics. The patient notes an allergy to penicillin characterized by hypotension, hives, and wheezing. The remainder of the history is noncontributory. Following a physical and cardiopulmonary examination, what is the most appropriate prophylactic regimen for this patient before her dental procedure?
23 Dec 2014

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