Search results for "Antibiotics"

Results 321 - 330 of about 362 for "Antibiotics".
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MKSAP Quiz: 5-week history of spots in the mouth and throat

A 33-year-old woman is evaluated for a 5-week history of whitish spots in the mouth and the back of the throat and discomfort with swallowing solid foods. This is her first episode of these symptoms. She has had no mouth pain, trouble ingesting liquids or pills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, sweats, or skin problems. She has a 3-year history of HIV infection and also has moderately severe asthma, which is now well controlled with inhaled medications that were recently prescribed. Whitish plaques are seen on the palate and posterior pharynx. What is the most appropriate management of this patient?
19 Nov 2013

MKSAP Quiz: 6-month history of diarrhea and bloating

A 51-year-old woman is evaluated for a 6-month history of diarrhea and bloating. She reports four to six loose stools per day, with occasional nocturnal stools. She has had a few episodes of incontinence secondary to urgency. She has not had melena or hematochezia but notes an occasional oily appearance to the stool. Following a physical exam and lab results, what is the most likely diagnosis?
13 May 2014

MKSAP Quiz: ED evaluation for a painful body rash

A 64-year-old man is evaluated in the ED for a rash that first developed 3 days ago and has rapidly spread to cover most of his body. He has a history of mild psoriasis, well controlled with topical corticosteroids, and asthma. One week ago, he completed a 10-day course of oral corticosteroids for an acute exacerbation of asthma. On physical examination, more than 90% of his body surface area is erythematous. There are widespread coalescing erythematous patches and plaques, many with pinpoint pustules coalescing into lakes of pus. What is the most likely diagnosis?
29 Apr 2014

New labeling on long-acting opioids, fluoroquinolones

This regulatory update covers a labeling change for all long-acting opioid analgesics, and another on fluoroquinolone drugs to better describe the serious side effect of peripheral neuropathy.
1 Nov 2013

Street medicine physicians meet patients where they are

This issue also covers screening for bacteriuria, new thinking about Alzheimer's disease, and communicating ab out migraines.
1 Jul 2019

Oncologic ‘horrors' can beset hospitalized patients

Common crises that can happen during the management of oncology patients include increased intracranial pressure, metabolic problems, infections, and toxic side effects from drugs. Learn how to manage these conditions.Exercise capacity is the single most power predictor of cardiovascular events, whether or not symptoms are present.
1 Jun 2014

What's new in ACP Hospitalist

What's new in ACP Hospitalist and other College publications, including nutritional support in the hospital and the release of free ACP Summer Session recordings.
1 Sep 2009

Gastroenterologists face consequences of obesity epidemic

Obesity seemed to be the topic on everyone's lips at the annual scientific meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology in October.
1 Jan 2008

It's all about the history in diagnosing fever of unknown origin

There are 4 types of fever of unknown origin, and distinguishing among them starts with the first step: Look for clues from the history and other presenting symptoms.
1 Jun 2014

How to start and stop bisphosphonates

A new online tool and a few simple rules can inform internists how to start bisphosphonates and when to consider taking a drug holiday at the request of another physician, a dentist or even the patient.
1 Jun 2013

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