Search results for "Antibiotics"

Results 281 - 290 of about 359 for "Antibiotics".
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Exacerbation-susceptible subtype may exist in COPD

Exacerbation-susceptible subtype may exist in COPD
21 Sep 2010

A doctor seeks out a concrete diagnosis

In medicine, a single diagnosis is preferred when possible as opposed to seeking multiple diagnoses to explain symptoms. But it isn't always correct.
1 Jul 2014

Cefpodoxime found inferior to ciprofloxacin as cystitis treatment

Cefpodoxime is not an effective treatment option for acute uncomplicated cystitis, a new study concluded.
14 Feb 2012

New knowledge on human microbiome impacts practice

As researchers discover more and more associations between the human microbiome and various states of health and disease, physicians grow closer to the aim of precision health and providing customized care to patients.
1 Jul 2018

Leadership Day 2017 prioritizes patient protection

Four hundred Leadership Day attendees from 47 states and Washington, D.C., met with 107 members of Congress and their staffs during more than 400 meetings on Capitol Hill to encourage the goal of protecting patients.
1 Jul 2017

ACOG guidelines encourage use of IUDs, implants

Intrauterine devices and contraceptive implants are the most effective forms of reversible contraception available and are safe for almost all women, according to new guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
28 Jun 2011

Survey finds many patients OK with placebos in primary care

A majority of patients favored allowing placebo treatments in medical care, especially when they were used honestly and transparently, a recent telephone survey found.
9 Jul 2013

Dumping drugs puts traces of meds in taps

How can you keep the contents of one patient's medicine cabinet from getting into everyone's drinking water? Eventually, physicians could even be asked to pay attention to environmental impact when deciding which drugs to prescribe.
1 Feb 2009

Advance directives are the beginning of care, not the end

Despite the best planning, patients may change their minds at the end of life once they recognize their unique situations and their sometimes surprising decisions.
1 Jul 2012

More at-home deaths in Medicare patients, but also more end-of-life ICU stays

More Medicare patients died at home in 2009 than in 2000, but there was also an increase in intensive care use during the last 30 days of life, a new study found.
12 Feb 2013

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