Search results for "Antibiotics"

Results 231 - 240 of about 359 for "Antibiotics".
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Spotting syphilis, other STIs in the internist's office

Some patients need more than just routine screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Accurate diagnosis and timely treatment can improve quality of life while preventing re-infection.
1 Jul 2016

MKSAP Quiz: evaluation of painful nodules and rash

A 21-year-old woman is evaluated for a 3-week history of painful nodules and a rash in the lower extremities, along with pain and swelling of the wrists, knees, and ankles. She reports a low-grade fever and a 2.7-kg (6.0-lb) weight loss since the onset of symptoms. She has taken naproxen with some relief. History is significant for gastroesophageal reflux disease and acne. Medications are over-the-counter famotidine as needed and minocycline. Following a physical exam and lab studies, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
3 Nov 2015

Guideline issued on acute bacterial rhinosinusitis

The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) issued a new guideline last week on the diagnosis and management of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis, offering ways to distinguish bacterial from viral infection and stressing that antibiotic treatment is not necessary in the latter case.
27 Mar 2012

MKSAP Quiz: 2-week history of bloody diarrhea

A 24-year-old man is evaluated in the emergency department for 2 weeks of worsening bloody diarrhea with up to 10 bloody bowel movements per day. He also reports increasing lower abdominal pain and distension and decreased stool frequency over the past day. He has had extensive ulcerative colitis for 5 years. After physical examination, laboratory studies, and abdominal radiograph, what is the appropriate next step in management?
1 Jan 2019

MKSAP Quiz: burning sensation, increasing redness, and lesions

A 52-year-old woman had a burning sensation involving the right side of her forehead and the tip of her nose for 2 days, followed by increased redness and the development of lesions involving the tip of her nose. Medical history is significant for hypertension, and her only medication is ramipril. Following a physical exam and starting antiviral medications, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
29 Sep 2015

Both nosocomial and community-based sources of C. difficile contribute to disease transmission

Genetically diverse, community-based sources of Clostridium difficile may play a larger role in nosocomial transmission than previously thought, a study found.
1 Oct 2013

Tigecycline gets warning for mortality risk

Tigecycline gets warning for mortality risk
14 Sep 2010

MKSAP Quiz: Transfer prevented by low food intake, new bruising, gross hematuria

A 70-year-old malnourished man with a 4-year history of Alzheimer dementia is admitted to the intensive care unit from the emergency department for treatment of community-acquired pneumonia and impending respiratory failure. He is inattentive and confused and has a weak productive cough. What is the most likely diagnosis?
2 Oct 2012

New cardiac warning for fluoroquinolones

This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
1 Feb 2019

Probiotics have potential, though definitive evidence is lacking

Probiotics are gaining some rationale for use##mdash;not for everything, but for preventing anti-biotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile infections in hospitals. But many products on the market don't live up to their own hype.
1 Apr 2013

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