In the News
ACP calls for urgent action on climate change
Among 5 recommendations is encouragement for physicians to become educated about climate change, its effect on human health, and how to respond to future challenges.
CMS announces new primary care initiative
Two tracks are recommended: a monthly care management fee from CMS in addition to fee-for-service payments under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, or a monthly care management fee and a hybrid of reduced Medicare fee-for-service payments and up-front comprehensive primary care payments.
MKSAP Quiz: fatigue, constipation, and cold intolerance
A 54-year-old man is evaluated because of fatigue. He also notes constipation and cold intolerance. Medical history is significant for tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma treated with radiation 3 years ago. There is no family history of thyroid disorders. Following a physical exam and lab studies, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
Location, distribution of calcium may improve coronary artery calcium scoring for cardiovascular events
Considerable heterogeneity existed between the coronary artery calcium score and number of vessels with coronary artery calcium, and adding the number of vessels with coronary artery calcium significantly improved prediction of coronary events in survival analysis, area under the curve analysis, and net reclassification improvement analysis.
Deadline extended for workshop proposals at Internal Medicine Meeting 2018
The Clinical Skills Committee is most interested in workshops that have a high likelihood of changing physician behavior using proven teaching techniques or new and innovative teaching strategies.
Still time to submit a Job Seeker's Profile for Internal Medicine Meeting 2016
Reach recruiters by submitting a Job Seeker's Profile (mini-CV) to be included in 1 of 2 booklets distributed at Internal Medicine Meeting 2016. The profile is guaranteed to be distributed to participating employers, and you do not have to attend the meeting to submit a profile.
Put words in our mouth
ACP Internist Weekly wants readers to create captions for our new cartoon and help choose the winner. Pen the winning caption and win a $50 gift certificate good toward any ACP product, program, or service.