In the News

Physicians view other parties as responsible for reducing costs of health care

Physicians believe other parties, including trial lawyers, health insurance companies, and hospitals and health systems, bear greater responsibility than they do for reducing health care costs, according to a recent survey.

Majority of TTEs appropriate but may not change management, study finds

Most transthoracic echocardiograms (TTEs), even those done for appropriate clinical indications, have little effect on patient management, according to a new study.

MKSAP Quiz: 3-month history of progressively worsening diarrhea

A 19-year-old woman is evaluated for a 3-month history of progressively worsening diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss. Her brother was diagnosed with Crohn disease at age 16 years. Following a physical exam and colonoscopy, what is the most effective maintenance treatment?

Some statins may offer protective effect for Parkinson's disease

Continued lipophilic statin therapy was associated with a decreased incidence of Parkinson's disease compared to starting and then stopping therapy, especially among female and elderly patients, a study found.

Avoidance of estrogen caused excess deaths in hysterectomized women

After publication of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), estrogen use declined significantly among women aged 50 to 59, likely resulting in avoidable deaths of those who had hysterectomies, a recent analysis found.

Patients may safely continue aspirin to the day of pancreas surgery

Patients undergoing major pancreas operations can continue taking aspirin through the morning of surgery with no increased risk of bleeding, a study found.

Guidance on transitional care codes and preview of 2014 Medicare Fee Schedule

CMS released its proposed rule for next year's Medicare Physician Fee Schedule on July 19.

Physicians can earn CME online with ACP Clinical Shorts

ACP Clinical Shorts is a series of short educational videos that clinicians can order to earn CME from their computers or mobile devices.

Call for spring 2014 Board of Governors resolutions

The deadline for submitting new resolutions to be heard at the spring 2014 Board of Governors meeting is Sept. 25, 2013.

Put words in our mouth

ACP InternistWeekly wants readers to create captions for our new cartoon and help choose the winner. Pen the winning caption and win a $50 gift certificate good toward any ACP product, program or service.