June 2024

Bringing postpartum care to primary care
To improve maternal outcomes in the United States, increased collaboration and communication between obstetrics/gynecology and primary care are crucial, experts stress.
CAP presents challenges for clinicians
While not treating patients with pneumonia could be catastrophic, giving antibiotics to those who don't have it also causes harm.
Legislation, wizardry, and standing up for med ed
ACP and other organizations oppose legislation introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that would bar medical schools engaged in diversity, equity, and inclusion activities from receiving federal funding.
Better is still possible: Promoting improved health for all
We need the courage to fix the structural and fiscal inefficiencies that result in the United States having the highest health care costs and the worst outcomes among developed countries.
Two tips for the physical exam
James O’Keefe, MD, FACP, explains why blood pressure should be checked in both arms and why clinicians should routinely measure patients' waist circumference.
Finding a prescription for housing instability
Safe and affordable housing is essential to health and ACP has a policy paper offering several recommendations aimed at physicians, policymakers, and payers.
Best career paths not always straight lines
Nontraditional backgrounds and varied job paths reflect how broad knowledge and experiences, like those acquired by many internal medicine physicians, can lead to career success.
Advice on writing an op-ed
Medical misinformation can kill, and it's everywhere, so one physician proposed countering it by writing medical op-eds.
New UTI treatment, AI sepsis risk calculator approved
This column reviews recent recalls, alerts, and approvals.
Training in place helps boost rural physician workforce
A program director of a rurally based internal medicine program shares thoughts on a recent article.
Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives
ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, I.M. Matters Weekly from ACP.
MKSAP Quiz: Hospitalization for increasing shortness of breath
A 24-year-old woman is hospitalized for increasing shortness of breath, fatigue, productive cough, and pleuritic chest pain of 2 weeks' duration; she has also been experiencing fever and chills for the past month. She has rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed 4 years ago. She lives in northern Georgia. Following a physical exam and additional tests, what is the most appropriate treatment?
Providing postpartum care, tackling CAP, and more
This issue addresses maternal mortality, community-acquired pneumonia, and conference coverage from the Society of Hospital Medicine.