Nominees named for College Officer and Regent positions
The Governance Committee of the American College of Physicians places in nomination candidates for College governance.
The Governance Committee of the American College of Physicians places in nomination candidates for College governance.
2023-2024 President-elect
Stephen D. Sisson, MD, MACP, Baltimore
Present positions: Professor, department of medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; vice president, ambulatory, Johns Hopkins Medicine.

ACP activities: Member, In-Training Examination Committee, 2012-2015; Chair, In-Training Examination Committee, 2015-2019; Governor-elect, Maryland Chapter, 2013-2014; Governor, Maryland Chapter, 2014-2018; Member, Board of Governors, 2014-2018; Member, Membership Committee, 2016-2020; Member, Board of Governors Reference Committee, Spring 2017; Chair, Board of Governors Reference Committee, Fall 2017; Member, Qatar Conference, 2017; Panama Conference Leader, 2018; Member, Education and Publication Committee, 2018-2019; Member, Board of Regents, 2018-2022; Member, ACP BOR Retreat Task Force, 2018-2019; Chair, Education Committee, 2019-2022; Member, Awards Committee, 2020-2022.
ACP Fellowship: 2009.
ACP Mastership: 2022.
Medical school: Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, 1990.
Residency: Internal medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, 1991-1993.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1993, 2003, 2013. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
Incumbent Regent Nominees
The incumbents, listed in alphabetical order, nominated for a second term of two years to expire in 2025, are:
Jan K. Carney, MD, MPH, MACP, South Burlington, Vt.
Present positions: Associate dean for public health and health policy, professor of medicine, Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont.

ACP activities: Governor-elect, Vermont Chapter, 2014-2015; Governor, Vermont Chapter, 2015-2019; Member, Board of Governors, 2015-2019; Member, Patient Partnership in Healthcare Committee, 2015-2019; Member, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2017-2018, Vice-chair, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2018-2019; Member, Credentials Committee, 2019-present; Member, Ethics, Professionalism & Human Rights Committee, 2021-present; Member, Board of Regents, 2021-present.
ACP Fellowship: 1998.
ACP Mastership: 2019.
Medical school: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, 1981.
Residency: Internal medicine, Medical Center Hospital of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., 1981-1984, chief resident, 1984-1985.
Fellowship: Public health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, 1986-1987.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1984; preventive medicine, 1989.
Elisa I. Choi, MD, FACP, Boston
Present positions: Chief of internal medicine, HVMA Somerville; internal medicine and infectious diseases/HIV medicine specialist, Harvard Medical School.

ACP activities: Member, Internal Medicine Scientific Program Committee 2016, 2014-2016; Member, Academic Advisory Board, 2016-2019; Member, Volunteerism Committee, 2015-2018, 2020-2021; Governor-elect, Massachusetts Chapter, 2017-2018; Governor, Massachusetts Chapter, 2018-2022; Member, Board of Governors, 2018-2022; Member, Awards Committee, 2017-2018; Vice-chair, Awards Committee, 2018-2020; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2019-2020; Member, Internal Medicine Scientific Program Committee 2021, 2019-2021; Technical Appointee, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Infectious Disease, 2019-2021; Member, Governance Committee, 2020-2022; Member, Medical Informatics Committee, 2020-present; Technical Appointee, CDC HBV Screening Guidelines, 2021; Chair-elect, Board of Governors, 2021-2022; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2021-2022; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Regents, 2021-2022; Vice-chair, Financial Policy & Audit Committee, 2021-present; Member, Committee Appointments Subcommittee, 2021-present; Technical Appointee, Infectious Diseases Society of America-COVID, 2021-present; Member, American Medical Association House of Delegates, 2022-present; Chair, Board of Governors, 2022-present; Chair, Executive Committee, Board of Governors; 2022-present; Member, Board of Regents, 2022-present.
ACP Fellowship: 2012.
Medical school: Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, N.J., 1996.
Residency: Internal medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (formerly Beth Israel Hospital), 1996-1999; chief resident, 2000-2001.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1999, 2009, 2019; infectious disease, 2002, 2012, 2022. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
Charles J. Hamori, MD, FACP, CPC, La Mesa, Calif.
Present positions: Partner, Southern California Permanente Medical Group, Pasadena, Calif.; voluntary assistant clinical professor of medicine, UC San Diego Department of Medicine, San Diego.

ACP activities: Governor-elect, California Southern Region III, 2016-2017; Governor, California Southern Region III, 2017-2021; Member, Board of Governors, 2017-2021; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2017-2018; Member, Coding and Payment Policy Subcommittee, 2018-present; Member, Board of Governors, Resolution Reference Committee, Fall 2019; Chair, Board of Governors Reference Committee, Fall 2020; Member, Physician Well-Being and Professional Fulfillment Committee, 2021-present; Member, Board of Regents, 2021-present.
ACP Fellowship: 2007.
Medical school: University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, San Diego, 1993.
Residency: Internal medicine, UCSD Medical Center, 1993-1996; chief resident, 1996-1997.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1996, 2006, 2016. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
Marianne C. Parshley, MD, FACP, Portland, Ore.
Present positions: General internal medicine physician, Providence Medical Group-Gateway Internal Medicine Clinic; PMG lead primary palliative care champion and community faculty, University Washington Palliative Care Training Center.

ACP activities: Governor-elect, Oregon Chapter, 2016-2017; Governor, Oregon Chapter, 2017-2021; Member, Board of Governors, 2017-2021; Member, Task Force on Enhancing ACP's Local Presence, 2017-2018; Member, Chapters Subcommittee, 2017-2019; Member, Medical Practice and Quality Committee, 2018-2020; Member, Advisory Group on Improving Documentation to Enhance EHR Technology and Usability, 2019-2020; Member, Task Force on Independent Practice, 2019-2020; Chair, Chapters Subcommittee, 2019-2021; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2019-2021; Member, Advisory Group on COVID-19 Social Distancing and Mitigation, 2020; Vice-chair, Medical Practice and Quality Committee, 2020-2021; Member, Mastership Committee, 2021-2022; Member, American Medical Association House of Delegates, 2021-present; Chair, Awards Committee, 2021-present; Member, Board of Regents, 2021-present; Member, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2022-present; Vice-chair, Global Engagement Committee, 2022-present.
ACP Fellowship: 2011.
Medical school: Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, N.H., 1984.
Residency: Internal medicine, Providence Medical Center, 1985-1987; chief resident, 1987-1988.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1987, 2015. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
New Regent nominees—Governor slate (one to be elected)
Jitendra Barmecha, MD, MPH, FACP, Bronx, N.Y.
David R. Hilden, MD, MPH, FACP, Minneapolis.
New Regent nominees—non-Governor slate (one to be elected)
Charlene M. Dewey, MD, MACP, Nashville, Tenn.
Soma Wali, MD, MACP, Porter Ranch, Calif.
Outgoing members of the Board of Regents
The College thanks the following members of the Board of Regents for their service and dedication: Ryan D. Mire, MD, MACP, President; Sue S. Bornstein, MD, MACP, Chair, Board of Regents; Eileen M. Moser, MD, MHPE, MACP, Regent; Michael J. Tan, MD, FACP, Regent; Tracey L. Henry, MD, MPH, MS, FACP, Chair, Council of Early Career Physicians; Romela Petrosyan, MD, ACP Resident/Fellow Member, Chair, Council of Resident/Fellow Members; and Ashley W. Fellers, ACP Medical Student Member, Chair, Council of Student Members. Their service on the Board will end in April 2023.
2022-2023 Board of Regents Chair-elect, Chair, and ACP President
At its November meeting, the Board of Regents will elect its 2023-2024 Chair-elect. Eileen D. Barrett, MD, MPH, MACP, current Chair-elect of the Board of Regents, and Omar T. Atiq, MD, FACP, President-elect, will assume office as Chair of the Board of Regents and President, respectively, at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting and Town Hall to be held at Internal Medicine Meeting 2023.
2023-2024 Board of Governors Chair and Chair-elect Designee
Priya Radhakrishnan, MD, FACP, will take office as Chair of the Board of Governors in April 2023.
Angela C. Johnson, MD, FACP, has been elected Chair-elect Designee for the Board of Governors. Dr. Johnson will officially take office as Chair-elect in April 2023.