Upcoming Chapter meetings announced
The following are scheduled for spring 2022.
Alabama/Mississippi: 3-5 June 2022, Renaissance Ross Bridge Resort, Birmingham, AL. Information: Christi Long; e-mail, alamedgroups@gmail.com
Alaska: 7-9 April 2022, Sheraton Anchorage Hotel & Spa, Anchorage, AK. Information: Julie Lake; e-mail, lake@mtaonline.net
Chile: 24-28 May 2022, Virtual format. Information: e-mail, smschile.smschile.cl
District of Columbia: 21 May 2022, The Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC. Information: Sarah Luebbert; e-mail, acpmissouri@gmail.com
New Jersey: 13 May 2022, Princeton Marriott at Forrestal, Princeton, NJ. Information: Teresa Barrett; e-mail, theresa@lutinemanagement.com
Utah: 5-6 May 2022, University Guest House, Salt Lake City, UT. Information: Selma Lopez; e-mail, contact@utahacp.com
Visit ACP Online for a full listing of upcoming chapter meetings.