April 2022

A new approach to diverticulitis
Evidence is fueling new guidelines suggesting internists treat most cases of uncomplicated diverticulitis in an outpatient setting, without antibiotics.
Managing DOACs in primary care
Primary care physicians play a crucial role in ongoing anticoagulation management, including educating patients about the signs of venous thromboembolism.
Inclusivity that never dies: The future of ACP
ACP's President recaps his tenure as he discusses the College's efforts at diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Working toward fundamental change
ACP engages in a significant number of efforts on its own and with external organizations to help move the health care system to one that better addresses its vision for better health care.
Get comfortable talking about obesity
Kimberly N. Sims, MD, FACP, explains ways to make obesity counseling easier for patients and for their doctors.
Evidence shifting for cardiac drugs with insect allergies
The cardiovascular benefits of beta-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors must be weighed against anaphylaxis risk in patients with allergy.
Pinpointing primary hyperparathyroidism
With targeted testing, especially in those who present with kidney stones and bone density issues, internists can help patients with this disorder get appropriate care.
Racism in the record?
Two authors discuss their recent study finding that Black patients were twice as likely as White patients to be described with negative words in their history and physical notes, particularly in inpatient records.
Hypertension performance measure ‘flawed’
While ACP's Performance Measurement Committee considers the Controlling High Blood Pressure measure to be “high impact,” it determined after review in July 2021 that it does not support the measure due to uncertain validity.
New cardiovascular indication approved for diabetes drug
This column reviews details on recent recalls, alerts, and approvals.
Inside CPT and RUC: How a code becomes a code
ACP's input into the determination of relative value units (RVUs) for codes has resulted in several wins for primary care physicians over the past few years.
MKSAP Quiz: 6-week history of shortness of breath
A 22-year-old man is evaluated for a 6-week history of shortness of breath and cough. He is otherwise healthy and takes no medications. Following a physical exam and chest CT, what is the most appropriate management?
Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives
ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.
New guidelines aim to improve diverticulitis treatment
This issue includes stories on managing diverticulitis, using direct oral anticoagulants, and payment and performance measures.