October 2021

Remain vigilant this ‘twindemic’ season
The CDC is anticipating a resumption of seasonal flu activity in the U.S., but the potential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic this year remain unknown.
Personal choices may sway mammography
Primary care physicians who raise the subject of breast cancer screening with their patients may discover that they approach this decision from a different perspective.
Democrats must reconcile to pass reconciliation
As the Democratic leadership moves forward with their slim majorities in Congress, they must agree among themselves on trillions of dollars of health care programs, including universal health care, Medicare expansion, and more tax subsidies for the Affordable Care Act.
Inclusivity that reevaluates: Assessing meritocracy
The playing field in a meritocracy is not always level because it is at least partly class-based, with wealthy parents affording their children advantages that they might believe were earned instead of inherited.
Prep and protect medical tourists to prevent tragedies
Medical tourism may have some cost benefits, but also carries risks from complications. Internists can consult with patients before they go to mitigate potential consequences.
Applying ACP's advice for shorter courses of antibiotics
ACP's recent Best Practice Advice for antibiotic stewardship, the College's second guidance on the topic, is meant to improve patient care and combat antibiotic resistance.
Can medical practices provide vaccine incentives?
During the COVID-19 public health emergency, clinicians and organizations can temporarily offer incentives to get people vaccinated without violating federal anti-kickback statutes if certain safeguards are met.
Ventilators, pacemakers recalled; rehab device approved
This column reviews details on recent recalls, alerts, and approvals.
Disorder or disease? Semantics of obesity
A reader questions the best way to talk about weight.
Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives
ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.
MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for follow-up of abdominal pain
A 35-year-old woman is evaluated for follow-up of abdominal pain, which has prompted multiple emergency department visits. CT scans have revealed intussusception. Following a physical exam, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Trying to temper a 'twindemic'
This issue addressed the upcoming flu season amid the COVID-19 pandemic, policies around mammography, and medical tourism.