September 2020

Healing the homeless during COVID-19
Communities are protecting homeless residents from crowded shelter conditions during the pandemic by using Federal Emergency Management Agency funding to provide shelter in hotel and motel rooms.
Pandemic pinpoints racial, ethnic disparities
Disparities in outcomes created by COVID-19 have exposed long-standing gaps in health care, and in a larger sense, the fabric of the social safety net.
My ‘Zoom’ presidency
ACP's President reflects on how the pandemic has changed her ability to interact with members, patients, and even her own family.
Advocacy in the time of COVID-19
Since the pandemic, ACP has advocated for policies to support and sustain internal medicine physicians and their practices, to support public health, to ensure patient access to testing and treatment, and to ensure that there are enough internists to meet demand.
Keep a close eye on the kidneys in diabetes
Screening and adherence to best prescribing practices offer two key ways to prevent or slow the progression of chronic kidney disease in patients with diabetes.
Taking a weight off diabetes care
Not only is the focus on weight not beneficial to diabetes patients, it can cause other health consequences such as weight cycling and eating disorders.
LGBTQ care must go beyond guidelines
To make health care more inclusive, physicians can include in the medical record the use of preferred names and pronouns, information on gender-affirming hormones and surgeries, and a record of the organs that patients have and that they were born with.
Could drone deliveries help reverse opioid overdoses?
An epiphany led a medical student to consider whether drones could deliver naloxone to the scene of an overdose so a bystander could deliver the drug, even before emergency crews arrive.
Age only one consideration in post-MI drug therapy
To determine the best therapy for elderly patients after a heart attack, physicians should get to know their goals for their lives.
Warning about hand sanitizer; labeling changes for opioids
This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives
ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.
MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for progressive chest pain
A 56-year-old man is evaluated in the emergency department for progressive chest pain and dyspnea that began 3 hours ago. Medical history is significant for hypertension treated with lisinopril. Following a physical exam, electrocardiogram, and chest radiograph, what is the most appropriate immediate management?
Candidates announced for Board of Governors Chair-elect
Two candidates are seeking election as Chair-elect Designee of the Board of Governors, with voting and results announced in late October.
Medical homes for homeless patients during COVID-19
This issue also covers racial disparities and COVID-19, conference coverage on diabetes and LGBTQ care, and myocardial infarction in the elderly.
Rodolfo V. Young, MD, MACP, died on July 29. He served as governor for the Central America Chapter from 1976 to 1980.