July/August 2020

COVID-19 upends every aspect of visits
Several months into the COVID-19 pandemic, it's still uncertain to what degree it will reshape the practice of medicine and office management in the near and long terms.
10 tips for well-being amid COVID-19
The global pandemic has professional and personal consequences for physicians, so experts offer their advice on coping during COVID-19.
The devastating trifecta of 2020: Is there any hope?
Physicians facing crises of a pandemic, economic losses, and social unrest should offer hope to patients as they are treated for the consequences of these and other ailments.
ACP speaks out on racism and law enforcement violence
ACP's New Vision for U.S. Health Care shows that the College is committed to finding solutions for discrimination, racism, and violence in individual and population health.
Drive-in visits can fill the cracks of telemedicine's reach
Practices in rural areas are tackling the logistics of providing telemedicine to patients who are unable to access it on their own.
Take it gradually when planning for retirement
Physicians should start their retirement planning when they first start working, first by deciding what retirement should look like and establishing a timeline to accomplish goals.
Helping shield clinicians and the community from contagion
Face shields on top of masks may be another avenue in fighting the global COVID-19 pandemic.
A new vision for health care
ACP's vision for health care entails a series of policy papers and editorials outlining improvements to the U.S. health care system.
Extended-release metformin recalled due to impurity
This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
Don't put clinician burnout on the back burner
Patient- and non-patient-related administrative tasks can create burnout at any point during a clinician's career.
MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for chronic cough
A 42-year-old man is evaluated in the office for chronic cough. He first developed a cough 3 years ago. It is productive of clear to yellow sputum that is occasionally blood-tinged. Following a physical exam and chest radiograph, what is the most likely diagnosis?
COVID-19 and primary care
This issue also covers personal protective equipment and retirement planning.
Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives
ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.