April 2020

Success with STIs causes complacency
Progress made in combating HIV has caused people to feel a greater sense of security around sex and less worry about bacterial sexually transmitted infections.
Catch Parkinson's early for better support
Comanaging patients with Parkinson's disease involves a back-and-forth relationship between the primary care physician and the neurologist over the course of a slow but progressive disease.
Battling the hydra of the medical-industrial complex
ACP leadership has developed a new vision for the future of American health care in order to achieve universal coverage and improve access, reduce costs, improve the dysfunctional payment system, and reduce administrative burdens and excessive complexity.
10 years on, ACA faces an uncertain political future
On the 10-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, it has largely lived up to its potential while falling short in some respects, due in large part to court rulings, sustained political opposition from some quarters, and implementation problems.
Impaired cognition, a long-lasting consequence of the ICU
Impaired cognition after an ICU visit is common, often existing alongside physical debility and mental and emotional problems.
Matched, sorted: Tips to transition from student to resident
A few pearls can smooth the way when transitioning from medical school to residency.
New reimbursement codes you can use now
Physicians can use new billing codes to garner reimbursement for online services based on time, as well as chronic care management, principal care management, and transitional care management.
Warning about clozapine and constipation
This column reviews details on recent recalls, warnings, and approvals.
Latest updates on ACP's priorities, initiatives
ACP Spotlight offers readers a look at ACP's current top priorities and initiatives, as well as highlights from our e-newsletter, ACP Internist Weekly.
Richard “Rick” P. Holm, MD, MACP, has died after a long battle against pancreatic cancer, and Eugene P. Libre, MD, MACP, died on Feb. 16, 2020, at age 87.
MKSAP Quiz: Follow-up evaluation for hyperthyroidism
A 55-year-old woman is seen during a follow-up evaluation for hyperthyroidism that was diagnosed 1 week ago. Thyroid examination revealed a palpable right thyroid nodule. Following a physical exam and a thyroid scan, what is the most appropriate management?
STIs on the rise
This issue also covers comanagement of Parkinson's disease, transitions from medical school to residency, and cognitive impairment after an ICU stay.