Nominees named for College Officer and Regent positions
The Governance Committee of the American College of Physicians places in nomination candidates for College governance.
The Governance Committee of the American College of Physicians places in nomination candidates for College governance.
2020-2021 President-elect
George M. Abraham, MD, MPH, FACP, Worcester, Mass.

Medical school: Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, India, 1989.
Doctorate in internal medicine, 1992. Residency and chief residency: Internal medicine, Saint Vincent Hospital, Worcester, Mass., 1996-1999.
Fellowships: HIV medicine, World Health Organization, Nairobi, Kenya, and Kampala, Uganda, 1993; infectious disease, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, India, 1993-1994; infectious disease, Communicable Disease Center, Singapore, 1996.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1998, 2018; infectious disease, 2010. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
ACP Fellowship: 2001.
Present positions: Professor of medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, and chief, department of medicine, Saint Vincent Hospital, Worcester, Mass.
ACP activities: Governor-elect, Massachusetts Chapter, 2013-2014; Governor, Massachusetts Chapter, 2014-2018; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2014-2015; Member, Postgraduate/Chapter Education Committee, 2014-2017; Member, ACP Representative to the ADOPT Project; 2016-2017; Member, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2016-2017; Member, High Value Care Task Force, 2016-2018; Member, Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion, 2017; Chair-elect, Board of Governors, 2017-2018; Vice Chair, Financial Policy and Audit Committee, 2017-2018; Member, Governance Committee, 2017-2018; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Regents, 2017-2019; Member, Board of Regents, 2017-present; Member, Committee Appointments Subcommittee, 2017-2019; Member, ACP Delegation to the American Medical Association, 2018-2019; Chair, Board of Governors, 2018-2019; Chair, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2018-2019; Member, Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee, 2018-present; Member, Financial Policy and Audit Committee, 2018-2019; Member, ACP Steering Committee for the Philanthropy Initiative, 2018-present; Member, Health and Public Policy Committee, 2019-present.
Incumbent Regent nominees
The incumbents, listed in alphabetical order, nominated for a second term of two years to expire in 2022, are:
Omar T. Atiq, MD, FACP, Little Rock, Ark.

Medical school: Khyber Medical College, University of Peshawar, Pakistan, 1983.
Residency and chief residency: Internal medicine, Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital, Hines, Ill., and Foster G. McGaw Hospital, Loyola University of Chicago, Maywood, Ill., 1985-1988.
Fellowship: Medical oncology and hematology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York City, 1988-1991.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1988; hematology, 1992, 2003; medical oncology, 1993, 2003. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
ACP Fellowship: 1993.
Present positions: Professor of medicine and otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, and founding president and director, Arkansas Cancer Institute, Pine Bluff, Ark.
ACP activities: Governor-elect, Arkansas Chapter, 2014-2015; Governor, Arkansas Chapter, 2015-2019; Member, International Council, 2015-2018; Member, Ethics, Professionalism and Human Rights Committee, 2015-2016; Vice Chair, Ethics, Professionalism and Human Rights Committee, 2016-2019; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2016-2017; Member, ACP Principles of Professional Accountability Task Force, 2017-2018; Chair-elect, Board of Governors, 2018-2019; Vice Chair, Financial Policy and Audit Committee, 2018-2019; Member, Committee Appointments Subcommittee, 2018-present; Member, Governance Committee, 2018-2019; Chair, Board of Governors, 2019-present; Chair, Executive Committee, Board of Governors, 2019-present; Member, Board of Regents, 2018-present; Member, Executive Committee, Board of Regents, 2019-present; Member, Financial Policy and Audit Committee, 2019-present; Member, Restoring the Story Task Force, 2019-2020.
John M. Flack, MD, MPH, MACP, Springfield, Ill.

Medical school: University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, Oklahoma City, 1982.
Residency: Internal medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 1982-1985.
Fellowship: Cardiovascular epidemiology, University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis, 1988-1990.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1985; clinical hypertension specialist, 1999.
ACP Fellowship: 2008.
ACP Mastership: 2017.
Present positions: Chief, hypertension section, and professor of medicine and chair, department of internal medicine, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield, Ill.
ACP activities: Member, Awards Committee, 2018; Member, Board of Regents, 2018-present; Member, Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee, 2018-present; Member, Education Committee, 2019-present.
Stephen D. Sisson, MD, FACP, Baltimore

Medical school: Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, 1990.
Residency: Internal medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, 1991-1993.
Certification: Internal medicine, 1993. Participating in Maintenance of Certification.
ACP Fellowship: 2009.
Present positions: Professor, department of medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and vice president, clinical operations, Office of Johns Hopkins Physicians, Baltimore.
ACP activities: Member, In-Training Examination Committee, 2012-2015; Chair, In-Training Examination Committee, 2015-2019; Governor-elect, Maryland Chapter, 2013-2014; Governor, Maryland Chapter, 2014-2018; Member, Board of Governors, 2014-2018; Member, Membership Committee, 2016-present; Member, Board of Governors Reference Committee, Spring 2017; Chair, Board of Governors Reference Committee, Fall 2017; Member, Qatar Conference, 2017; Panama Conference Leader, 2018; Member, Education and Publication Committee, 2018-2019; Member, Board of Regents, 2018-present; Member, ACP BOR Retreat Task Force, 2018-2019; Chair, Education Committee, 2019-present.
New Regent nominees—Governor slate
Michael S. Bronze, MD, MACP, Oklahoma City
Jan K. Carney, MD, MPH, MACP, Burlington, Vt.
Jason M. Goldman, MD, FACP, Boca Raton, Fla.
Suja M. Mathew, MD, FACP, Hinsdale, Ill.
Isaac O. Opole, MBChB, PhD, FACP, Overland Park, Kan.
New Regent nominees—non-Governor slate
Christie M. Reimer, MD, FACP, Timnath, Colo.
Molly B. Southworth, MD, MPH, MACP, Anchorage, Alaska
Outgoing Regents
The College thanks Eileen D. Barrett, MD, MPH, FACP, Thomas A. Bledsoe, MD, FACP, M. Carol Greenlee, MD, FACP, Joseph M. Li, MD, FACP, and Richard J. Simons, MD, MACP, for their service and dedication. Their service on the Board of Regents will end in April 2020.